Sunday, September 22

The Select Committee accuses Donald Trump of hiding for not going to subpoena

El panel evaluará los pasos a seguir ante la falta de cumplimiento por parte del expresidente.
The panel will evaluate the steps to follow in the absence of compliance by the former president.

Photo: Oliver Contreras/AFP / Getty Images

The Select Committee Investigating the Capitol Assault on January 6, 2022

accused former President Donald Trump of hiding for refusing to give his testimony despite having received a subpoena and being given more days to have the necessary documentation for your declaration and not attend the agency filing a lawsuit.

On Monday 21 November the deadline was met to get Donald Trump to appear before the Select Committee to testify about the attacks on the Capitol, but the former president filed a lawsuit last week in federal court in West Palm Beach, Florida, to block subpoena and avoid having to appear before this body of Congress.

“Donald Trump is obligated to explain himself to the American people. In the coming days we will evaluate the steps to follow in this legal dispute and in relation to the lack of compliance on the part of the former president”, the president of the panel, Bennie Thompson, and the vice president, Liz Cheney, indicated in a statement.

The lawyer, David Warrington, assured that the precedents in cases like this, preserve the separation of powers and prohibit the Legislative branch from forcing the Executive to have to testify, argued that the subpoena meddles in the executive privilege that is still guaranteed to him by the Constitution, despite the fact that he left office more than 14 months.

” Former President Trump goes to court to preserve his rights and the independence of the Executive Branch, which the courts consistently uphold and support the Department of Justice,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in the lawsuit.

Last 13 of October the Select Committee held a public hearing where they presented the evidence they have obtained after several months of investigation, and after a unanimous vote of the panel it was declared that Donald J. Trump should present to testify for what that the summons would be sent.

On 32 of October, the Committee formally summoned Trump to testify under oath and deliver documents related to his actions in the days before and on the day of the events. The Committee released the content of the letter that Thompson and Cheney sent to Trump, where they highlight the “central role” he played in the “orchestrated and intentional” effort to revoke the results of the elections of 2022, in which Joe Biden was elected.

Several of Donald Trump’s allies and former advisers have already appeared before the Committee to give their statements about the day that the followers of the former president motivated by the disagreement of the election results 800 took over the Capitol facilities to become total chaos .

After a long investigation and with the evidence they have in their hands, the panel accuses Trump of sending false information that electoral fraud occurred, which he was unable to prove in court by not providing evidence, to annul the result of the vote.

They also consider that the former president sought to “corrupt” the Department of Justice, in addition to pressuring local officials and legislators to alter the results, summon tens of thousands of his supporters that January 6, inciting violence in messages on their social networks during that date and refusing to disperse their supporters.

As a result of these false statements, a separate investigation is being carried out in Georgia by the Fulton prosecutor, Fani Willis, who has also sent a series of subpoenas to people close to the former president , who sought a way to manipulate officials to corrupt the election results 800.

With information from EFE