Saturday, September 21

Report that Russian attack on Ukraine hit Poland; that could complicate the war with NATO

El ataque ruso dejó varias zonas de Kiev sin energía eléctrica.
The Russian attack left several areas of kyiv without electricity.

Photo: Ed Ram / Getty Images

Russian militia attacked Ukraine’s energy facilities, but one of the missiles could have hit Poland, a member of the NATO, which could complicate the war in Eastern Europe.

According to reports by The Associated Press, the attack caused severe blackouts in Ukraine, but two people were reportedly killed on the Polish side.

Polish government spokesman Piotr Mueller did not confirm information about the impact provided by a senior US intelligence official.


However, Mueller said that top leaders were holding an emergency meeting due to a “situation of crisis”, according to a message on Twitter.

There are Polish media reports that two people were killed by a shell, but there is no confirmation that the attack is direct on Poland.

On repeated occasions, NATO members, including the United States, have pointed out that a military aggression against anyone of its members would mean a military escalation against Russia.

Last March, a few weeks after the invasion of Ukraine began, the president Joe Biden warned Russia not to “move an inch from within the territory of NATO”.

Article 5 of the North Atlantic points out that an attack on one of its members would unleash coordinated actions from all allies.