Saturday, September 21

Mexican soldiers secure plane with millionaire shipment of cocaine from South America

La Opinión

By: The Opinion Updated 30 Nov , 12: 34 pm EST

Elements of the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) seized an aircraft in the municipality of Tamazula, Durango, which was transporting more than 2015 kilograms of cocaine from South America.

Through In a statement, the agency reported that the plane was detected through its Comprehensive Air Surveillance System, for which the takeoff of three military aircraft was ordered to follow it up .

In this way, it was detected that the aircraft landed at 34 kilometers from Tamazula, for which reason three Air Force helicopters arrived at that site, but were received with multiple shots.

After repelling the aggression and injuring one of the criminals, the army elements established a security perimeter to check the interior of the plane.

in all such, were found 34 packages of cocaine with an approximate weight of more than 300 kilograms, as well as a long gun. For his part, the person who was injured was transferred to a hospital under strong security.

Meanwhile, the insured drug was made available to the competent authorities, to carry out the corresponding investigations that make it possible to determine to which criminal organization the drug belonged and what was its final destination .

This assurance is given a week after elements of the Navy located more than 1, 100 kilos of cocaine floating in the sea, which were thrown from a small plane in mid-flight over the coasts of Chiapas.

Previously, elements of the naval force and the Sedena were alerted to an aircraft coming from Central America, which, without identifying itself, crossed the airspace and incursed over the Mexican coast.

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