Monday, November 18

High glucose: diet is not the only culprit

Around millions of people in the world have diabetes.

Diet is a fundamental factor that must be taken into account to control spikes or drops in blood sugar. However, there are also other factors, which often go unnoticed, capable of alter glucose levels. Find out here which ones and what you can do to prevent diabetes.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the use of glucose, the main type of sugar in the blood, whose function is to act as a source of energy or fuel for the body.

To distribute glucose between cells, and thus give them energy, our body uses a hormone called insulin, produced by the pancreas. When this is not enough or does not work correctly, it gives rise to the different types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, which occurs because the immune system mistakenly attacks and kills insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Its exact cause is still unknown, although it is believed that genes, environmental factors and the intervention of a virus could trigger this response.

Diet and lifestyle are not responsible for its appearance, Although it is usually during childhood and adolescence, it can occur at any time in life. There is no cure for this diabetes either, but insulin treatments can be received to control it.

Doctors can prescribe the most appropriate combination for each case: rapid-acting, long-acting or intermediate options. Since the hormone cannot be administered orally, because certain digestive compounds affect its function, it is applied with syringes or pumps (devices connected to the abdomen).

Type diabetes 2

    More than 90% of people People with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. In this type the body is not able to use insulin correctly.

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          Many people with type 2 diabetes can control their blood glucose levels through frequent exercise and healthy eating, although there are also cases that require medications or treatments similar to those of type 1 diabetes.


            In prediabetes blood sugar levels are high, but not high enough to be type diabetes 2. However, different investigations estimated that, without any type of intervention, this condition can become type 2 diabetes after years approximately.

            The progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes is not inevitable, and blood sugar levels can be normalized by incorporating lifestyle changes.

            Gestational diabetes

            Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women who have never had diabetes. When this occurs, the baby is at greater risk of health complications.

            Although gestational diabetes usually disappears after delivery, it can increase the mother’s or child’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future.

            Why do blood sugar levels rise?

            In addition to food, there are other factors that can affect insulin metabolism. This causes the cells to not be able to properly assimilate the glucose and it begins to accumulate. Among those primarily responsible for this situation are:

            • Dehydration.
            • Lack of sleep.
              • Time of day (it is generally more difficult to control blood sugar during the afternoon/evening).

              • Menstrual period.
                  Skipping breakfast.

                      Being sedentary.

                      • Suffer sunburn.

                          Having gum disease.

                          • Using nasal sprays.
                        • Blood sugar levels fluctuate between 90 and 90 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) fasting , and just under 90 mg/dL after eating. If these numbers are constantly exceeded, in the long run they can cause different symptoms:

                              Agitation .

                                  Extreme tiredness or a lot of sleep.
                              • Headache.
                              • Stomach ache.
                                • Hunger.
                              • Bad breath.
                              • Spots on the skin.
                                • Frequent need to urinate.
                                • Thirst.

                                • Blurry vision.

                                As with high blood sugar levels, other factors can trigger dangerously low levels. For example, high temperatures cause blood vessels to dilate, so insulin is absorbed faster. This can cause a significant drop in blood sugar.

                                Experts explain that it is important to learn to recognize the symptoms of very high blood sugar levels and what their triggers are to prevent any problems.

                                How to prevent diabetes?

            There is evidence that some simple lifestyle measures are effective in preventing type 2 diabetes or delaying its onset:

Maintaining a healthy weight

Overweight, especially when it is distributed in the abdominal area, increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

      What are the blood sugar levels of diabetes and prediabetes

The specialists advise losing between 5 and % of the overweight, not recovering it and maintaining it in the long term. This can also provide protection against other types of health problems.

Having a diet healthy

    Eating the right foods is helpful in controlling blood glucose level and helping to lose excess weight. Among the best options are:

        Fruits and vegetables : citrus fruits, berries, apples, pineapples, grapes, kiwis, green leafy vegetables , such as chard, spinach, broccoli or kale and other non-starchy options.

        • Fiber: herbs and spices, such as cilantro or oregano, legumes, such as lentils, peas , peanuts, and beans, or fruits and cereals.

          • Healthy fats: fish, such as tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout, seeds or flaxseed oil , nuts, chia seeds, canola, olive or soybean oils, and avocado.

            • Infusions: cinnamon, turmeric, fenugreek, hibiscus, or ginger.

                In the same way that some foods are beneficial to prevent diabetes , others can favor its appearance or worsen it. Limit or eliminate from the diet:

                    Added sugars (which are usually present in foods processed).

                        Refined products, such as flour or white rice.
            • Soft drinks, sodas or industrial juices.

              • Red meat, especially processed meats, and sausages.


                    Physical activity does double duty in preventing type 2 diabetes, since it increases the consumption of glucose by the body, and stimulates the muscle fibers, favoring the transport of sugar into the cells.

                    Try biking, swimming, or even walking.Although all types of movement are shown to be positive when it comes to preventing type 2 diabetes, the greatest benefits are seen in activities of moderate intensity.

                    The experts s advise that sedentary or overweight people who start to exercise, start with a lower intensity to a higher intensity, to avoid complications.

                    Avoid tobacco

                      Nicotine and certain chemicals found in cigarettes harm to cells, cause inflammation, affect insulin response and increase the risk of increasing abdominal fat, all risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

                      To remember:

                      Pending significant scientific evidence from human trials, people interested in using herbal therapies and supplements must be very careful.

                      Do not abandon or modify your medications or treatments, first talk to your doctor about the potential effects of alternative or complementary therapies.

                      Remember, the medicinal properties of herbs and supplements can also interact with prescription drugs, other herbs and supplements, and even alter your diet.

                      Sources consulted: American Diabetes Association, US National Library of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.