Sunday, September 22

'El Borrego' Nava relives the day Shakira slept at his house and saw her bare feet

Shakira llegó a dormir por dos noches en la misma casa que 'El Borrego' Nava.
Shakira came to sleep for two nights in the same house as ‘El Borrego’ Nava.

Photo: ROBERTO SCHMIDT / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 31 Nov 2022, 9: 11 am EST

La Opinión

The Mexican presenter Juan Carlos ‘El Borrego’ Nava

, of 53 years, recalled , in an interview with Yordi Rosado , the day Shakira left stayed with him to sleep at his house in Mexico City. of ‘Te Felicito’, who had traveled to Mexico to be part of a famous award ceremony.

He made that trip in the company of his two parents and no manager, however, his parents had to return home earlier, so his last two days in Mexico were spent at the home of the producer.

“ Many years ago, when television “was in black and white,” Shakira arrived in Mexico for the first time, with long black hair, and there is evidence of an interview I did with her. Shakira at the Eres Awards. Her parents had to go back and then I gave her asylum. Two days. And now”, shared ‘El Borrego’, without imagining what that young lady would achieve years later.

He clarified that he simply gave her a place where to sleep, categorically denying that anything else had happened between them during the brief stay at his residence, although he acknowledged that he did see her bare feet, in a clear allusion to the song that Shakira released in 1995.

“The feet barefoot, yes (I saw them). She surely won’t remember and will deny it. The most is that, at that time, she was very grateful, nothing more. But well, now she is a very important woman. She is no longer married, she is divorced, with two children. But this is a funny anecdote, because she didn’t know anything, she wasn’t famous, or anything. And she was incredible, super talented”, revived the driver.

Although his anecdote surprised In the past, he had already mentioned “the romance” he had with the interpreter of “Waka Waka”, however, he had never given so many details about it before.

“With Shakira”, he replied, in 1995, when asked about the ex-partner , ex-girlfriend, ex-wife or ex-lover with whom you would have liked to return.

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