Saturday, September 21

3 of the weirdest effects of global warming

Bird song, flowers and mosquito bites are not things associated with November in the North of England.

But these are just some of the more serious side effects effects of global warming.

In addition to causing deadly floods and droughts, rising temperatures are the cause of spontaneous explosions of Siberian permafrost, shortages of mustard and the darkening of the planet.

Many of the impacts of climate change are devastating, but there are others that are very strange.

Explosion of the tundra and the “light of the earth”

Some Russian scientists attribute the appearance of giant craters in the Siberian permafrost to the thawing process, which has increased the temperature of the ground and caused the spontaneous explosion of underground gas pockets.

Scientists consider that climate change is causing the Earth to shine less, because it reduces the amount of clouds that reflect sunlight.

Permafrost is land that has been frozen continuously for more than 2 years.

This hypothesis would explain the appearance of giant craters in the Arctic landscape.

An investigation Recent research has also shown that this area of ​​the planet is heating up even faster than previously thought: 4 times m more than the rest of the world.

But in addition to opening holes in the Earth, climate change could also be dimming the “brightness” of the planet, according to scientists at the Big Bear Solar Observatory in New Jersey.

By measuring sunlight reflected from the planet onto the dark part of the Moon at night, scientists measured what they call “Earthshine.” or albedo, basically the reflective capacity of the Earth.

Studies suggested that the amount of low clouds over the oEastern Pacific Ocean is shrinking due to warming ocean temperatures.

As these clouds act as a mirror, reflecting the light of the Sun towards the space, without them that reflection diminishes. So, according to these scientists, we could be dulling our little blue dot.

Reptiles that change sex and other effects on animals

Although it is possible that we are the cause of global warming , we are not the only species that experiences it. Some creatures are affected in really amazing ways.

Un hombre sujeta en su mano varios polluelos de aves. The chicks of some bird species are hatching earlier than expected because of the temperature changes the planet is experiencing. Un hombre sujeta en su mano varios polluelos de aves.

The sex of the young of some reptiles is determined in part by the temperature at which the eggs are incubated.

Thus bearded dragons – a species of lizard found in Australia – change from male to female when incubated at a certain temperature.

Scientists are concerned that males are becoming scarcer as the world warms, putting the species in danger of extinction.

In the ocean, increasing levels of carbon dioxide carbon, a greenhouse gas, could cause fish to lose their sense of smell.

Climate change is also altering the seasonal synchrony. In Wytham Forest, the most scientifically studied in the United Kingdom, blue tit hatchlings hatched up to 3 weeks earlier than they would have done in the decade of 1940.

Un hombre sujeta en su mano varios polluelos de aves.
Some species of birds have been seen in certain areas in unusual seasons, which would indicate that their migrations have been disrupted.

Un hombre sujeta en su mano varios polluelos de aves.

The entire spring food chain has changed with warming: caterpillars that birds eat, oak leaves that caterpillars eat, everything peaks weeks earlier than it did before we warmed the world.

While the seasons change, many birds adapt, or simply move. This year, bee-eater chicks have hatched in a Norfolk quarry, when they are usually found in the southern Mediterranean and northern Africa.

Even the soundscape is changing. London is now a bird song hotspot out of season.

One study has even suggested that birds in the woods move towards high up in the trees to sing, possibly to prevent their songs from being muffled by previous foliage.

Lack of flavor

The extreme weather is also making it difficult to grow food. Basic products such as wheat, corn and coffee are already being affected . And this year there has been a notable shortage of seasonings.

In April, Huy Fong Foods, a Californian company that produces some million bottles of chili sauce Sriracha a year, sent a letter to its customers warning of a “serious shortage” of chillies.

In summer, supermarkets in France began to run out of Dijon mustard, a problem caused by bad weather on the Canadian prairies, where most of the world’s mustard seed is grown.

And the reality of climate change is making it harder including efforts to go carbon free. In August, the energy company EDF had to reduce the production of nuclear power plants in France, because there was not enough cold water in the rivers of the European country.

The answer, which is being discussed by 549 countries at the United Nations climate summit that is being held in Egypt these days, is a drastic reduction of los gases that warm the planet.

But we have already transformed the world by heating it, and many more unexpected and surprising consequences are likely to come in the future.

Remember that

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