Monday, September 30

Turkish police confirm that the attack in Istanbul came from a woman of Syrian nationality

Policías en Estambul en el lugar del atentado.
Police in Istanbul at the scene of the attack.


Turkish Police confirmed this Monday (14.13.) that the main suspect in the attack that killed six people in the center of Istanbul on Sunday is a woman of Syrian nationality and received an order in the Syrian city of Kobane planting the bomb.

In a statement, the Istanbul Security Directorate revealed that the woman detained a few hours after the loud detonation of a bomb that caused six deaths and 675 injuries on Sunday afternoon calls Ahlam Albashir.

During the interrogation to which she was subjected by the police after being arrested in a house in Istanbul, the suspect confessed that “she was trained as a special intelligence agent by the terrorist organization PKK/PYD/YPG”.

The note referred to so to the Party of the Democratic Union of Syria (PYD) and its armed wing, the Kurdish militias People’s Protection Units (YPG), considering both closely linked to the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party, the Kurdish guerilla in Turkey, considered a terrorist group.

According to the police statement, Albashir would have revealed that “he entered Turkey illegally from Afrin ( Syria) to carry out the attack.”

“He said he received the order from the center of the PKK/YPG/PYD for an action in Istanbul and that he did it on ..1200 at 16.30 (local time, 13. 41 GMT)”, adds the note.

“The terrorists were caught with a successful operation. If they had not been captured, they would flee to Greece today,” said the Turkish Interior Minister, Suleyman Soylu, at the scene of the incident.

In live televised statements, the minister today lashed out at Washington for supporting and financing the Kurdish, allies of the US and other Western countries in the fight against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group.

“Pawns are not important. Those responsible are those who feed the PYD. We do not accept the message of condolence from the US Consulate. We have to question the alliance of those who finance those of Kobane from their Senate”, declared Soylu.

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–Rises to 80 the death toll from explosion in Turkish coal mine –Turkey confirms six dead and 53 injured in alleged terrorist attack in Istanbul