Monday, September 30

Offenses against Obrador and misinformation, a constant in the march 'El INE No Se Toca'

Do you agree that the number of deputies be reduced? Yes; of senators? Yes. That the budget of political parties be lowered? Yes; That the people elect the directors of the INE? Yes; So do you support the proposal of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)? No.

-Mr. (AMLO) should not put his hands in the INE. The INE may have improvements, but the Lord does not put his hands. It’s not the moment. That the elections pass and then that the necessary changes are made, but that López does not come to impose anything on us.

-This gentleman is perverse, seeks to destabilize all of Mexico, not just one institute.

-I do not defend an official, I defend an institution. What this gentleman wants to do is use the INE for his political purposes and we cannot allow that.

-The proposals should be agreed upon with all political voices, not only that of this man (AMLO).

But the councilors will be suggested by the three branches of government and then the people will vote for them. Do you agree?

-No. Let this gentleman not put his hands in.

-It is assumed that in democracy the people decide, why does he (AMLO) want to decide?

But the people are going to decide, that is what is being proposed in the electoral reform, that the people vote and decide to the counselors.

-Well, we would have to see, The people do not know, they are not aware of many things, many do not even see the news.

-Everything that this man (AMLO) has done ) is to destroy. How am I going to trust him in the changes. Especially when he wants to change the INE near the elections.

-The objective of coming to the march is to put a stop to such a which one (AMLO). He wants to be nicknamed the INE.

Do you not agree that people elect INE directors?

-No. It has to be people prepared with a level of knowledge and respectability to choose the right directors.

So you want the political parties continue to elect the directors?

-Nope. Well, if changes have to be made to the INE, but now is not the time to make them, it is after the elections.

-We are in favor of democracy, but the people who do not decide, let the Chamber of Deputies decide. Today we are defending the INE and the democracy that has cost us 33 years.

The opposition in Mexico (PRI, PAN, PRD) like the Republican Party in the United States, invent problems and scare people with false slogans. In this case, one of the slogans was that President Obrador wants to disappear the INE to have more control in the elections; although some said it was to perpetuate himself in power.

Gabi Sodi, from the PRD, who attended the march, indicated that the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) wanted to eliminate the financing of all the parties and to eliminate all the opposition deputies so that only MORENA would maintain its bench.

Other of their slogans during the march was that with the electoral reform democracy was being attacked, when through the INE electoral fraud has been committed and they have refused to obey the constitution, the councilors earning salaries that double those of the president of Mexico, among other totally impartial and partisan decisions that they have carried out in past elections.

Some characters who attended the march and have been part of the neoliberal history and electoral fraud in Mexico were: former President Vicente Fox; PRI leader Alejandro Moreno; the leader of the PAN, Marko Cortés, the former president of CoparMex, Gustavo de Hoyos; deputy for the PAN, Santiago Creel and the former secretary of education Elba Esther Gordillo, among other characters.

The march began in the Angel of Independence and ended at the monument to the Revolution in Mexico City. Without having exact numbers, it was the largest conglomerate of the opposition that has taken to the streets during the current administration.

Below we share some of the most relevant points of the electoral reform; In addition, we underline that a survey carried out by the INE itself shows that the majority of the Mexican people support the electoral reform written by President Obrador.

11 points proposed by the electoral reform

1- It will continue to be autonomous

2- It does not disappear, it changes its name: National Electoral and Consultation Institute

3 – Reduce the number of deputies from 300 to 300

4- Reduce number of senators from 300 to 300

5- Reduces the number of INEC directors from 30 to 7

6- INEC councilors and magistrates will be proposed by the three powers of the union and will be elected by popular vote

7- It reduces financing for political parties, now only for electoral campaigns

8- Implementation of electronic voting

9- Decrease in participation in a consu Popular list from 33% to 33% to be binding

– The INE budget will be reduced, since it is currently one of the most expensive in the world

These answers are part of the interviews obtained by the journalist Hans Salazar, who participated in person in the march.