Saturday, September 28

Numerology: what it means to see your date of birth everywhere

Looking at your birthday number everywhere can be considered more significant than any other combination of figures because, behind it, there is a spiritual reason, according to expert numerologists and astrologers.

Okay with angelic numerology it is not a coincidence to look at the clock every day at the same time and see those same digits in other parts . All numbers have an energy that we must decipher, after all, they are symbols.

The more we see a number repeated, the stronger the message that they want to transmit to us, explained Maggie Wilson, an expert in numerology, to the Bustle site. When it comes to the birthday number it is a confirmation that the world around you is responding positively to your vibe, he added.

It is a reminder that what happens is because of you and not in spite of you, so it is a “great sign” to discover what else is in your life. One way to do it, said the numerologist, is by adding the numbers of your birthday and reducing them to a single digit.

However, there are other spiritual reasons to look everywhere for your birthday number. . For example, if you have felt stuck or lost, it indicates that it is a sign to reevaluate your position and visualize where you would like to go.

Perhaps what you do at work or on a personal level is not aligned with your true purposes and that is that our goals can constantly change based on our experiences. In this sense, it calls us to review how much time and energy we dedicate to doing the things we like and the result could leave us surprised.

If we discover that we waste a lot of energy on things that leave us dissatisfied, we must make the necessary adjustments, birthday numbers can also indicate that it is time to conclude or finalize something, numerologist Corie Chu and astrologer Karen Comen explained in the same article. .

What to do if you look at your birthday numbers repeatedly?

Look everywhere at your birthday numbers , when you are already aware of what it means, it can be revealing. Take this opportunity to discover what your life purpose is through your numerology chart. Perhaps there you will discover the keys to advance as you wished.

Remember that the universe is open to receive the energy that you provide, so it is important to trust your intuition and follow the signs that you gives the cosmos.

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