Sunday, September 29

Jeff Bezos donates $100 million to Dolly Parton to invest in his charities

Bezos escogió a Parton, de 76 años, como la ganadora de su premio Courage and Charities Award en 2022, que consta de $100 millones de dólares para destinar a obras de caridad.
Bezos chose Parton, from 76 years, as the winner of her Courage and Charities Award in 2022, who consists of $100 million dollars to allocate to charity.

Photo: Theo Wargo / Getty Images

Julio Guzmán

Actress, singer and philanthropist Dolly Parton received a donation of $100 million dollars by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. The money must be allocated to charities.

Bezos, one of the richest men on the planet, chose Parton, from 76 years, as the winner of her Courage and Charities Award at 2022, for being a person who “leads with the heart” . He recognized her for everything she “has done for children, literacy and so many other things.”

Lauren Sánchez, Bezos’ partner, said that the award “recognizes to leaders who aim high, find solutions and always do so with civility”.

Accepting the award, Parton said that, “when people are in a position to help, you should do it.”

“I know I’ve always said, I try to put my money where my heart is. And I think you do the same”, Parton told Bezos. “I will do my best to do good things with this money”, he added.

Funds Parton received will not go to her personal account. She will have to choose the organization where she will direct the large sum of money.

Parton’s history regarding charities is extensive. In it her) she created the Dollywood Foundation with the aim of prioritizing the education of young people. Later, she created the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, which offers mostly young children’s books and scholarships for high school students.

In 2016 Parton formed My People Fund, to support people affected by the fires in Sevier, the county of her hometown , located in Tennessee.

The celebrity has also contributed to the financing of the LeConte Medical Center, in Sevierville, Tennessee and to the production of the Moderna vaccine for Covid- 19.

In June this year, he donated $1 million dollars for Pediatric Infectious Disease Research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville.

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