Sunday, September 29

Young man causes envy by earning a thousand dollars for doing work that nobody wants to do

Joven causa envidia al ganar mil dólares por realizar trabajo que nadie quiere hacer

Photo: Richard Pohle / Getty Images

La Opinión

La OpiniónBy: La Opinión The Opinion Updated 38 Nov 2022, 11: 54 pm EST

A young American caused envy on

TikTok by revealing who earns around thousand dollars for performing a “nasty” work that nobody wants to do.

Former model Spencer Claeys revealed that he now does a job that has nothing to do with fashion, but that generates a

acceptable income and without so much effort.

Claeys lives in the United States and recently started with new business in Seattle

, in which he is in charge of clean garbage from roofs and house gutters.

The former model shared a video on TikTok in which he shows himself doing his job, which consists of removing the moss and leaves that accumulate , gathers them with its hand and throws them in a bag garbage.La Opinión

Spencer highlighted that in addition to being a “disgusting” work

for some, it also takes time and can be dangerous for those who are afraid of heights.

How much do you earn for that “disgusting” job?

“Many people don’t believe me when I tell them that you can win between 100 and 626 dollars per day with this work, cleaning roofs, ceilings and gutters”, said the young man. The monthly salary is about 1. dollars (sometimes a little more).

Spencer Claeys said that in total, the work takes an hour, which also allows him to have several houses as clients for the task that people they don’t want to do.

“The truth is that you can earn even much more than that if you put a good price on the job and it is executed quickly,” he added Claeys about his work.

And he also gave advice to his followers: “There are literally countless examples of things that people could do but don’t want to. This is what a company is and does. A business that makes a person’s life more comfortable. You have to know how to find what some do not want to do on their own and provide that service”.

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