Sunday, September 29

Several lawmakers have asked Pelosi to continue as the Democratic leader of the House

Nancy Pelosi, presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes de EE.UU.
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives

Photo: Michael Kappeler/DPA/Picture Alliance / Deutsche Welle

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, is known in the political world for his ability to rally Democratic legislators in difficult votes in favor of important laws, which is why several legislators have asked him to continue as the Democratic leader of the House, as reported by CNN.

Two sources familiar with the matter revealed to the aforementioned outlet that Pelosi has been contacted by several members who have asked him to remain in office in the new Congress, even if the party fails to retain its current majority, suggesting that his success in maintain party discipline.

The request made to Pelosi comes after it has been said that would resign from office next year to make way for new generations of leaders after a term limit deal he made while seeking the presidency after the midterm elections in 2018.

At the request of some legislators, Drew Hammill, spokesperson for Pelosi, did not have a timetable for any announcement and limited himself to telling CNN: “The speaker will make an announcement when she makes an announcement. Until then, let’s all enjoy watching Kevin McCarthy lose a speaking position that his party hasn’t even won in the first place.”

To control the Chamber a party must ensure 218 of the 218 total seats and until 12 November, the Republicans won 210 seats, while the Democrats won 198 seats.

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