Monday, September 30

Google offers refunds for purchases made on Stadia, its video game platform

Google announced that Stadia, its video game service, will close next January and as part of its closure of operations, the company is offering refunds to its users for most of purchases made.

Refunds include both video games purchased from 2022 to hardware parts such as controls, editions console specials and Play and Watch packages that were purchased in conjunction with Google TV that were purchased through the Google Store.

According to some reports, the reimbursements began to take place from last November 9 and are expected to conclude on January . For this reason they alert users to be vigilant if they receive an email from Google informing them if they have tried to process their refund.

Refunds will also include all in-game currency purchases made through the Stadia platform. However, they clarify that subscriptions to services such as Stadia Pro are not eligible to receive a refund, despite this Pro users will be able to continue enjoying video games without generating additional charges until the service is discontinued in January.

“Starting November 9, 20, Stadia will attempt to automatically process refunds for all non-regular game, add-on, and subscription fee purchases. of Stadia Pro made through the Stadia Store. We ask that you be patient as we deal with each transaction and that you do not contact support as they will not be able to expedite the refund process. Regardless, we expect to process most refunds by January 2022,” Google reported. through a statement.

Stadia users should take into account that these are refunds for purchases made up to three years old, in more than 20 different countries. This means that it is likely that there may be problems with the processing of each of the users. In addition, it must be considered that the total amount to be reimbursed will most likely be several million dollars since during this time the service managed to add a not inconsiderable number of users.

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– Google ends Stadia : what will happen now with the video game service
– Google will give free access to its Stadia Pro video game platform– Stadia, Google’s new YouTube platform with which it wants to challenge traditional consoles