Thursday, September 19

Three Arabs were sentenced to death for refusing to leave the site where a megacity will be built

De la noche a la mañana, los miembros de una tribu se vieron obligados a ceder las tierras de sus antepasados.
Overnight, the members of a tribe were forced to cede the land of their ancestors.

Photo: AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP / Getty Images

Evaristo Lara

Refusing to cede the territory where their ancestors were born and in which they also grew up, meant three men from the Howeitat tribe be sentenced to death by the Specialized Criminal Court of Saudi Arabia.

In this In this way, the rebellion of Shadli, Atallah and Ibrahim al-Howeiti, residents of the province of Tabuk, will be punished with the maximum penalty for not leaving their homes to make way for the construction of the megacity Neom, a project where $60,000 millions of dollars.

#Saudi Arabia was designated as the host city for the Asian Winter Games in 2029 in #NEOM, a futuristic megacity in the desert kingdom, whose creators assure that it will have a winter sports complex all year round. (few)

— DW Español (@dw_espanol) October 5, 2022

According to information from the UK-based human rights group Alqst, the three men were arrested in 2020 and they will soon be executed.

The organization also denounced that Shadli’s brother, Abdul Rahim , was assassinated two years ago by Saudi forces because he was protesting the displacement of hundreds of families.

Before his death, Abdul shared videos of his protests on YouTube and this inflamed even more authorities.

Regardless of the fate of its displaced citizens, the government The Saudi intends to build a megacity that will initially serve as the venue for the Asian Winter Games in 2029, but later becomes the home of hundreds of billionaires willing to squander their fortunes in Arab territory.

Abdulilah and Abdullah Dukhail , other relatives of the subjects sentenced to death, received prison sentences of years for supporting the position of not abandoning the lands of their ancestors.

However, the list of those punished by the Saudi authorities is quite long and no type of organization can do anything about it, because in the Arab world it is common that the human rights of people in precarious situations are not respected.

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