Friday, September 20

Man blames witches for ordering him to throw his dog off a bridge in South Carolina

Aparentemente el sujeto detenido por las autoridades seguía la orden de un grupo de brujas.
Apparently the subject detained by the authorities was following the order of a group of witches.

Photo: JOSEPH PREZIOSO / AFP / Getty Images

Evaristo Lara

On Monday of last week, Spartanburg County authorities received a call from an unknown person alerting that a subject had thrown a a dog alive from a bridge over 34 meters high.

Upon reaching the point indicated on the expressway 11, in the Fingerville area, a couple of police officers noticed that under the bridge there was a man from 43 years old, who identified herself as Shannon Lee Cantrell.

The strange thing about the case is that the subject tried to choke a dog using a wrestling hold and was therefore immediately arrested.

When questioned, The individual acknowledged that on two occasions he had thrown the Pit Bull breed dog from the top of the bridge into a river that ue runs below.

However, the animal remained alive, because the water accumulated on site helped lessen the impact of its falls.

Questioned about the reason that led him to try to kill the animal, Shannon Lee blamed a group of witches, who supposedly ordered her to sacrifice her pet.

After checking the dog, it was determined that it was not more than a year old and although it did not show visible signs of injury, it showed that it was upset by what its owner tried to do to it, so it was transferred to the Greenville County Animal Care office, where it would be evaluated again.

Meanwhile, Shannon Lee Cantrell was taken to the Spartanburg County Teething Center, where he will face charges of animal cruelty and unless he posts a $5 bond,000 dollars, you must remain locked up.

The law establishes that a person who tortures, torments, unnecessarily mutilates, cruelly kills or inflicts excessive or repeated and unnecessary pain or suffering on an animal or by omission or commission causes it to be perform these acts, is guilty of a serious crime and, upon conviction, shall be punished with a custodial sentence of not less than 80 days not older than five years and a fine for the amount indicated above.

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