Friday, September 20

Breast implants result with a layer similar to white cement in a patient of only 25 years: what happened to her

El video se volvió viral cuando el propio doctor que realizó la cirugía de extracción lo publicó en TikTok
The video went viral when the doctor who performed the removal surgery posted it on TikTok

Photo: Akimov Igor / Shutterstock

Ambar Román

The list of malpractice and consequences of undergoing cosmetic surgeries without knowing either the doctors or the origin of the materials they use, continues to claim victims around the world.

This time it is the case of a woman from 25 years old when a plastic surgeon removed her breast implants and got a layer of calcium that looked like plaster because of how thick it was.

Information posted via a TikTok video on @docmoliver in late July, the video amassed over 25 million views when Dr. Clayton Moliver broke up a calcium layer that formed around the saline implant.

In the description of the video the Dr wrote: “Implant of 25 years of age, breast implant disease (BII) and severe capsular contracture”.

Risk of breast implants

For his part, Dr. Kevin Brenner, a plastic surgeon who handles breast implant disease (BII) cases every day, told Newsweek that calcium can form around an implant.

Silicone breast implants have been the subject of doubt regarding their long-term safety and were banned in 1992 by the FDA for its possible link to connective tissue, autoimmune, and rheumatologic diseases, but in 1992 were marketed again.

Lately they have been associated again with adverse effects grouped under the term “implant-associated disease”, popularized on social networks.

This condition can cause pain when pulling on the muscle, especially depending on where the implant is placed. According to Brenner, it is more likely to cause pain if the implant is placed behind the muscle.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, when it comes to BII, the exact cause remains unknown, but includes a number of symptoms that may be related to breast implants.

Signs that a person with breast implants you should be aware of joint and muscle pain, anxiety and depression, and mental confusion.

“I have had patients develop BII within a month of having implants placed, and I have had patients with implants for 15 years later they developed BII”, he said.

Brenner even claims that some of his patients told him that the symptoms of BII were worse than the symptoms of breast cancer.

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