Sunday, October 6

“The narco will be forever and ever”: Mexican mayor resigned herself to violence in her region

La presidenta municipal de Comondú mostró un casi nulo optimismo referente a la lucha contra el crimen organizado.
The municipal president of Comondú showed almost zero optimism regarding the fight against organized crime.

Photo: Comundú City Council / Courtesy

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 01 Oct 2022, 18: 54 pm EDT

Drug culture has permeated society so much that more and more people join the ranks of organized crime to have a luxurious life even at the cost of their lives, therefore the fight against crime hardens, although some authorities consider the war lost, such as a mayor of Baja California Sur.

Iliana Guadalupe Talamantes Higuera, mayor of Comondú, gave his opinion regarding an event that occurred last 25 September, in which a group of assassins humiliated and beat municipal police officers who went to a bar to attend a fight . The official said that if the Army has not been able to defeat the drug traffickers, much less the corporation that protects her municipality.

In addition, the municipal president of Comondú showed almost zero optimism regarding the fight against organized crime.

“If the Police cannot Federal, if the Navy can’t, if the Army can’t, they haven’t been able this time, will the municipal police of Comondú be able to?, please, that is”, said the mayor at a press conference.

Due to the violent act involving the municipal police, some people decided not to take her children to school, but the official said that life should not stop, that she continues to send her children to classes.

Faced with questions from the media, Talamantes Higuera gave a statement that surprised everyone, saying that The presence of drug traffickers has been going on for years, neither his administration nor the next ones will remove it .

“This Administration will pass and the one that comes will not pass either and the other one and for ever and ever amen. We are not in a war against any criminal group, on the contrary, we are here to protect the citizenry, that is our main mission”, declared the mayor.

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La Opinión