Friday, September 20

Spiritual meaning of a hurricane: symbol of new beginnings

Destruction, chaos and floods is what a hurricane leaves in its wake, one of the most feared meteorological phenomena by human beings, but behind its fearsome reputation it can leave us a valuable spiritual teaching.

The shape of a hurricane is spiral and in the middle they have a hole known as the ‘eye of the storm’, an area that is usually less chaotic and windy than the arms of the storm. It is important to highlight these characteristics because we can find their meaning there.

What does a hurricane symbolize spiritually?

Hurricanes are associated with various aspects of our lives. The trail left by this meteorological phenomenon represents losses, these could be emotional or material, and the eye is associated with rebirth.

Our life is a cycle and when we feel lost in the chaos, starting from the basics is the first step to find the way. Hurricanes mean just that; life forces us to start over to become stronger.

The figure of the hurricane, seen as a spiral, represents growth and strength natural, according to the site, that is, as we progress and mature we adapt to change and inner strength makes us overcome ourselves.

Weak hurricanes do not have a storm eye , but the strong ones do come to form this circumference. In the spiritual, the eye symbolizes the heart of the soul and is what gives us peace, tranquility and harmony despite the chaos that is around us.

In conclusion, a hurricane means a new beginning, fear of change, a change that we have the obligation to face despite how negative it may appear to be, but we have within us the strength to adapt and overcome ourselves.

Meaning of dreaming of a hurricane

Dreaming of a hurricane could be a terrifying experience, however, its interpretation does not have why be negative? If you dream that you survive to tell about it, it is indicative that you have what it takes to overcome any problem.

When you dream that a hurricane is approaching and you seek shelter , means that in your life there is an event that has not happened and it makes you nervous or anxious to face it. It does not mean that you are in danger, it only worries you.

If you manage to perceive that the storm that is approaching is black, dense, with big waves and rain it is a symbol of the battle you live with your inner fears; now that if you are in the middle of chaos and the flood is a sign of not being able to control your emotions or feelings.

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