Thursday, September 19

Senator Padilla presents the Registry Law project to grant the Green Card to millions of immigrants

Senator Alex Padilla of California introduced the bill to the Senate to reform the so-called Registration Law, in order to allow some eight million undocumented immigrants to apply for a Green Card and seek citizenship

El senador Alex Padilla presentó un plan que abre el camino a la ciudadanía para millones de indocumentados.El senador Alex Padilla presentó un plan que abre el camino a la ciudadanía para millones de indocumentados.
Senator Alex Padilla presented a plan that opens the path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants.

Photo: Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images

Jesús GarcíaEl senador Alex Padilla presentó un plan que abre el camino a la ciudadanía para millones de indocumentados.

California Democratic Senator Alex Padilla, chairman of the Senate Immigration Subcommittee, submitted to that legislature the Registration Law project that would allow the Green Card to be granted to eight million undocumented immigrants.

The project is a “mirror” of the one presented by Democrats in the House of Representatives, where it already has at least 60 co-sponsors.

In process…