Friday, September 20

“I invite you to my first school shooting. Do not miss”: 13-year-old launched a gloomy call in Mexico and carried a weapon

Los padres de familia y la comunidad estudiantil exigieron que el menor sea expulsado.
The parents and the student community demanded that the minor be expelled.

Photo: Raúl Arboleda / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 28 Sep 2022, 11: 04 am EDT

La Opinión

The student community and parents of a school in the State of Mexico experienced moments of terror, after an alarming announcement published on social networks, in which a young man who studies in that educational center spoke about a shooting.

“I invite you to my first school shooting. Do not miss” , could be read next to the image of a white kitten, which generated confusion and fear among his colleagues, who reported this fact to their parents and the directors of the school located in the municipality of Nezahualcóyotl.

After this report, the local authorities were alerted, who presented to the campus to control the situation.

When checking the backpack of the indicated student, in the presence of his mother, elements of the municipal police found a weapon, although apparently it was a toy , but among his belongings there were also two real caliber bullets 22.

Likewise, the minor’s mother was shown the threat she disclosed on social media , but the woman assured that she was unaware of the publication and the intentions of her h ijo.

Although the parents and the student community demanded that the minor be expelled, the school authorities will determine the measures to be taken in this regard.

For the moment, it was reported that the young man and his family will be referred to a psychological study to determine the possible causes and determine the type of help that will be provided.

In addition to this, the Secretary of Security will carry out the Safe School program, aimed at the social prevention of crime in practices such as drug dealing, alcohol consumption and domestic violence, inside and outside of schools.

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