Saturday, May 18

How are zodiac women in a relationship

If you don’t know what to expect from a woman as a romantic partner, astrology can be of great help. Each zodiac sign has different behaviors when it comes to dating, and they all have unique characteristics, some good and others not so much, especially when starting a relationship.

If you are about to start a romance, the stars can offer you a glimpse of what you will experience next, you just need to know the date of birth of the bride in question. Based on an article from, we tell you what women in a relationship are like, according to their zodiac sign.


They are independent women who do not need your permission to do what they want. Although for some it could be a problem, for others it is not because they also want to conserve their space. The fact is that Aries are fun and fiery.


They have their feet firmly on the ground and know exactly what they want. They like relaxed plans, such as romantic dinners and coffee nights, and they always put their needs before those of their partner.


They are not women who are easily impressed. At first you will want short adventures and sporadic dates, which intrigues men because they do not show their emotions easily. However, when they decide to commit, they give the 100% for their partner.


Cancer women are sensitive and don’t look for one-night stands. They take their time to start the relationship as they analyze how committed their partner can be. Already as girlfriends, they are very emotional so it is difficult for them to deal with feelings such as jealousy.


The Leo women look at men who show total interest in them because they do not like to compete with other candidates. In a relationship they like to be impressed, so they will have high expectations; if they are satisfied, they respond with affection, generosity and commitment.


They are stable and controlling. They analyze each step they will take and do not make a move until they know for sure. Virgo women are good for long-term relationships, although their partner must first demonstrate loyalty and trust.


Libra women have high standards. They want a fun, attentive, romantic man who fulfills all their whims. If you receive all of the above, you will treat your partner like royalty.


Scorpio women are flirtatious by nature, but have a strong and independent character. They don’t let anyone into their hearts, that’s why a man must work very hard to conquer them.


In a relationship are free-spirited, calm and very dynamic. They are always up for some fun and won’t settle down until they feel like their partner is the one. They flee suffocating men who try to control them.


Apparently they are hard, cold and unromantic, but in the Bottom line, love is one of their priorities, they just have high expectations. They are interested in men who make an effort to get her attention, get to know her and accept her.


They don’t trust appearances. Although they may like a man, they will not take a step until they know him perfectly. In a relationship they are intelligent and playful, so they like their partner to be playful and fun.


They are affectionate, dedicated brides and make their partner feel special, however, they want them to take the initiative. They want to be conquered, and once they do, they will take control of the relationship.

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– The 4 zodiac signs that conquer dancing
– Which zodiac signs are the least jealous, according to the opinion of astrologers
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