Sunday, September 22

Which zodiac signs cheat the most and least

Cheating or being honest could be a decision influenced by the stars and it is that, according to astrology, our zodiac sign reveals how many possibilities we have to choose the short and easy way or to be faithful to our values.

While all zodiac signs can cheat at some point in their lives, there are some who are at the extremes, that is, who adopt deception as their “modus operandi” and who will never be seduced by the honeys of corruption.

In this classification you will know what signs of zodiac are the ones that cheat the most and the least, according to a ranking compiled by astrologers from It should be noted that only the sun sign is taken into account, so if your sign appears here, it does not mean that you are necessarily the most cheating or the most straight of all.

The 3 signs most likely to cheat

1. Sagittarius

It is an optimistic sign, but its tricky side justifies it with its philosophy of life. Sagittarius is one of those who thinks “you only live once” and gets carried away by adventure, emotion and freedom. Commitment is not something he is given, and while he does have strong values, his will breaks when he becomes obsessed with one thing. That yes, the remorse is a consequence of his acts and he will do everything possible to compensate them.

2. Gemini

Has no problem changing decisions. he will choose what is best for him and if in his analysis he deduces that cheating will not do any harm he goes that way . However, he is only fooling himself. The easy way teaches Gemini valuable lessons and when he learns them, he can be a pretty upright sign because he has already tasted the dark side.

3. Libra

It seems strange that the sign of justice is in third place, but the reason why it appears has nothing to do with his lifestyle. He is prone to cheating on matters of love, if a person moves the table for him, even if he has a partner, he will give in to passion.

The 3 signs least likely to cheat

1. Taurus

It is a completely straight and honest sign. The top priority in his life is to be true to his values, so he is not likely to fall for the deception. Cheating is something very complicated that can drastically change his destiny, and the last thing Taurus wants is to have surprises in his day to day.

2 . Cancer

A Cancer is not good at cheating, they are immediately evident as they are very expressive. To avoid the embarrassment of being easily discovered, they prefer not to do so. In addition, family values ​​are of the utmost importance for this sign, and honesty is one of them.

3. Leo

The reason that places Leo on this list is his commitment. Like the lion, they are loyal to people and their personal values. They think they don’t need to cheat to prove they are the best.

It may interest you:
– The 3 zodiac signs that were born lucky and 3 that should try harder
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