Sunday, September 22

What follows in Trump's lawsuit against the FBI for the public version of sworn testimony that the judge already has

El expresidente Trump quiere que se haga pública la declaración jurada que justificó el allanamiento del FBI.
Former President Trump wants the affidavit justifying the FBI raid to be made public.

Photo: Brandon Bell / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 25 Aug 2022, 14: 56 pm EDT

This Thursday, as Judge Bruce Reinhart had ordered, the Department of Justice (DOJ) submitted its proposal of the public version of the affidavit that supported the FBI operation at the residence of former President Donald Trump, in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

Now, Judge Reinhart, of the Southern District of Florida , you must decide whether to accept that version of the document , which would have several protected elements, due to the open investigation, not revealing witnesses or key legal strategies .

“The United States (the DOJ) has filed a sealed submission pursuant to the order of the Court of 22 August,” a Justice Department spokesperson said, CNN confirmed.


The authorities will not talk about it until the judge reviews the documentation, which contains “classified” information.

“The Department of Justice respectfully declines to comment further while the Court considers the matter,” the DOJ said.

There is no particular date on which the judge can make a decision, but given the public impact of the case, it could be in a few days.

On August 8, the FBI raided the official residence of former President Trump, in Mar-a-Lago, in search of official documents that were not delivered to the National Archives, as appropriate.

The former president charged that the raid was illegal, in addition to pressing for judicial documents of the process are disclosed, including the order signed by the judge to perform the operation.

The case of the archives arose in the midst of the investigation into the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, because congressmen requested information from the National Archives, which reported the lack of documents.

According to official reports, the former president would have delivered a part of the files, but there were others considered key in matters of national security that were not returned, for which the FBI took action.

The former Republican president also requested that the affidavit that allowed the raid be released, but it will be difficult to reveal who provided the information to the FBI, since it is an ongoing investigation.

It may interest you: Biden speaks for the first time about the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago