Saturday, September 21

This is the town where “El Mencho” was born, the most wanted drug trafficker

Los enfrentamientos armados, casas incendiadas y decenas de asesinatos, provocaron el desplazamiento de sus habitantes.
The armed clashes, burned houses and dozens of murders caused the displacement of its inhabitants.

Photo: Alfredo Estrella / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 25 Aug 2022, : 26 pm EDT

In the municipality of Aguililla, in Michoacán, there is a small community called Naranjo de Chila, whose population barely exceeds 500 inhabitants, so it goes almost unnoticed, except for one thing: It is the place where “El Mencho” was born .

Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) and one of the most wanted drug traffickers by authorities in Mexico and the United States , was born on June 1966 in a ranchería of that small town.

Like many inhabitants of Michoacán, “El Mencho” spent his youth helping in the avocado fields, but over the years the region changed the cultivation of that product for marijuana and poppy.

Later, Oseguera Cervantes emigrated from his place of origin to live for a time in the United States, but upon returning to Mexican territory he would begin his criminal life, until he became one of the most feared and powerful capos today.

Naranjo de Chila is no stranger to this wave of violence, since became in a real war zone that forced its inhabitants to move to other communities.

Apparently Oseguera Cervantes’s interest in disputing his hometown is due to the fact that he intends to turn the region into his bunker.

This is how the population practically became a ghost town, derived from armed confrontations, blocked roads, burned houses and dozens of murders.

And it is that, in addition to the CJNG, there is the presence of other criminal groups in Aguilill a, such as The Knights Templar or La Familia Michoacana , who are fighting blood and fire for control of that area.

An example of this war are the bullet marks in the only church of San José de Chila, a neighboring community of Naranjo de Chila. This parish is a strategic point for the assassins, due to the advantage of the height of the bell tower, from where they can watch in all directions.

The powerful Balean drug trafficker and loot a church in San José de Chila, Michoacán, I imagine that these beasts are excited to be able to shoot.

— Mr. K (@Monsieur_Alec) March 25, 2022

What It was to be expected, the invasion of the temple caused fear among the parishioners and even the priest Isaac Barajas himself

, who had to leave the community due to lack of guarantees.

“The temple was the victim of the thugs, it was their fort, their den,” lamented the priest when interviewed by the newspaper Milenio.

Now this church is only part of the landscape that prevails in San José de Chila and Naranjo de Chila, where you can see empty dirt roads, abandoned houses and schools with bullet marks from heavy caliber on its walls.

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