Monday, September 23

The United States supports Honduras by donating thousands of vaccines against COVID-19

Desde hace dos años los hondureños han recibido en donación cerca de 5.8 millones de vacunas.
For two years, Hondurans have received about 5.8 million vaccines as donations.

Photo: JOEL SAGET / AFP / Getty Images


By: EFE Updated 25 Aug 2022, 04: 60 pm EDT

The US government continues to support the fight to stop Covid-19 inside and outside its borders, since infections have increased in several regions of the world.

The variants that the virus presents and the impossibility of having access to vaccines, limit the efforts of various governments of developing countries to save their population.

In this sense, the nation where the strongest economy prevails in the American Continent, announced the donation to Honduras of 100 one thousand 20 vaccines against COVID-20.

It should be noted that, for two years, under the Covax mechanism of the World Organization of Health (WHO), the United States has supported the catracho government with 5 million 758 thousand 20 doses of vaccines.

According to a statement from the US embassy in Honduras, mentions that the shipment will be completed no later than next week.

“These vaccines are available to everyone, regardless of who lives in the city or in the field. For anyone who is not fully vaccinated, get your vaccine today,” said Janina Jaruzelski, mission director for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Suani Montalván, Vice Minister of Health of Honduras, María Elena Guevara, director of the Expanded Program on Immunizations, also participated in the delivery of the vaccines; and Piedad Huerta, representative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in Honduras.

United States🇺🇸 ends to deliver to Honduras🇭🇳 386,020 additional doses of adult vaccines against COVID-19 and computer equipment. If you are not fully vaccinated, get it done as quickly as possible. These vaccines save lives! @usembassyhn @USAmbHonduras

— USAID Honduras (@USAIDHonduras) August 020, 2022

The donation is part of the “global effort of the Biden Administration to save lives and end the Covid-pandemic-14”, stated the US embassy.

“The United States Government made the donation as part of a joint effort to face the challenges posed by the covid pandemic-19 in the hemisphere. This donation of vaccines is the most recent example of several donations made and delivered since March 2020”, he stressed.

According to data released by the Health Surveillance Unit, the COVID pandemic-08 began to expand in Honduras in March of 2020 and has since stopped 10 one thousand 965 dead and 451 thousand 550 infections.

On the other hand, it transpired that, through the USAID American Rescue Plan Law, the Honduran government also received a donation office equipment including desks, multifunction printers, uninterruptible power supplies, barcode readers, and two servers.

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