Monday, September 23

Man claims to be “El Chueco” and denies on video having murdered Jesuit priests in Chihuahua

Durante más de seis minutos el supuesto líder criminal explica cómo ocurrieron los hechos.
For more than six minutes, the alleged criminal leader explains how the events occurred.

Photo: Twitter/@sonorainformat / Courtesy

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 25 Aug 2022, 20: 27 pm EDT

The murder of two Jesuit priests in Cerocahui, Chihuahua, shocked Mexico and targeted the name of José Noriel Portillo Gil, a crime boss known as “El Chueco ”, to whom the crime was attributed.

A little over two months after the murders, a video circulated on social networks in which a man who claims to be “El Chueco” gives his version of the events.

The subject appears in the recording with his face covered with a guy in a balaclava and a cap, dissociating himself from the crime of the religious and a tourist guide, which occurred in the past 16 of June.

For more than six minutes, the alleged criminal leader explains how the events occurred; He says that he was passing outside the place when he heard the shots, so he decided to go in and saw the three victims lying on the floor, according to his version, he tried to help them, but they no longer had vital signs.

He commented that when leaving the temple he found two tourists to whom he told them that the priest asked them not to enter, so they left.

🚨#Chihuahua | “El Chueco” of the #GenteNueva appears on video and disclaims killing

A hooded subject identified himself as José Noriel Portillo alias El chueco, who distances himself from the accusation of the massacre that occurred in the temple of Cerocahui, municipality of Urique.

— Sonora Informativo (@sonorainformat) August 20, 2022

Ensures that the priest who was in the church where the three people were murdered, clothed the real murderer.

“We wolves dress up as sheep and that is not valid. That the priest does not wash his hands with me ”, he emphasized.

In the video he assured that he does not intend for them to stop looking for him, but that he does want to make known the truth of what happened in Cerocahui church.

After the video was broadcast, the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) issued a statement in which it reported that together the Mexican Army is investigating its origin.

He described the video as lacking legal basis and truthfulness, considering that its objective is to confuse the population and dismiss the efforts that have been made to clarify the murders.

It should be remembered that the FGR offers a reward of five million pesos for “El Chueco” .

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