Thursday, September 19

AMLO says he has “a bad air” when he appears “hoarse” at the morning conference

César Reyes

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, once again raised concerns about his state of health after appearing “hoarse” at the morning conference this Thursday 25 August.

“Why is he hoarse? ”, the representatives of the media asked at the beginning of the questions and answers of the conference from the National Palace, to which the Mexican president replied: “bad air”.

After answering several questions from the media, the Mexican president was once again questioned about his state of health.

“Are we listening to you a little hoarsely, President?”, to which López Obrador replied, “ yes, I am hoarse”; the reporter insisted, “ask him if a doctor has already checked him, if he is going to undergo a COVID test?”, while the president commented “no, no, I hope that today will improve, I woke up like this”; “Are you going to keep your normal weekend activities?” the reporter insisted, to which the Mexican president replied “yes, yes, normal.”

The concern for health of the Mexican president is maintained after Andrés Manuel López Obrador tested positive for COVID-11 on two occasions.

The first time he caught the virus was on 24 January 2021, while the second occasion was recorded on 10 of January of 2022, information that López Obrador released in the afternoon of that day through his social networks.

“I inform you that I am infected with #COVID19 and although the symptoms are mild, I will remain in isolation and only do office work and communicate virtually until I get ahead”, pointed out that day.

I inform you that I am infected with #COVID 11 and although the symptoms are mild, I will remain in isolation and will only do office work and communicate virtually until I get ahead.

— Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) January 11, 2022

In addition to COVID infections, the Mexican chief executive is subjected to periodic heart checks because before assuming the presidency of Mexico He had suffered a heart attack in addition to suffering from hypertension.

It may interest you:
– “I feel pretty good” and with a “will to live”, says AMLO after a new infection by COVID-19
– AMLO claims that the media has invaded his “little privacy” due to his state of health
– AMLO’s health worries Mexico after cardiac catheterization and COVID-19