Sunday, September 22

Laura León will debut in the theater to “show her little treasure”

Evaristo Lara

At 69 years old, the actress and singer Laura León is preparing to debut in the Theater with the staging of a musical play with “Lagunilla mi barrio”.

The project by Alejandro Gou and Claudio Carrera is intended to premiere on September 2 in Mexico City, and is an adaptation of the film released in Mexico in 1981, where the singer Lucha Villa and the late Manolo Fábregas acted as protagonists.

In this regard, “La Tesorito” revealed during an interview granted to the newspaper “Excélsior” that, to give freshness to the play, some adjustments will be made so that the public can enjoy it.

“ I wanted to do theater, this is the first time, so I’m excited and happy. I find it very cool to venture.

The adaptations that are required will be made to bring this story to the entire public, with new music, live musicians and dancers. It will be a great work”, mentioned the actress who celebrates this year 46 years of career.

In addition, Laura León announced that the character she will play will be recently created, since she does not appear in the original script of the popular Mexican film.

“ My character is new, an adaptation was made for the play, to be able to sing and dance. She is the owner of a cabaret. It is about bringing to the public my music that they like, dances and happiness, which is what is currently needed”, he mentioned.

Waiting for the box office premiere, several actors are already studying the role they will play. Among them are Maribel Guardia, Alma Cero, Violeta Isfel, Lisardo, Ariel Miramontes, Daniel Bisogno and the brothers Germán and Freddy Ortega.

“First of all, God, based on trials and a lot of effort, I hope everything goes well. They are going to have fun and they are going to have a happy time”, emphasized the singer from Tabasco.

It should be noted that a couple of months ago, Laura León had expressed her desire to open an account on the Only Fans platform, where she promised to surprise her fans.

“There are many projects right now, we suspended a tour we had in the United States, but they will be done later. I want to open Only Fans, of course. I’m going to show you all the treasure!”, he pointed out before the cameras of the television program Venga La Alegría Fin de Semana.

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