Tuesday, September 24

Supreme Court Approves Government Law Banning Abortion in Idaho

La corte de mayor instancia del estado denegó la petición de la entidad abortista Planned Parenthood.
The state’s highest court denied the request of the abortion entity Planned Parenthood.

Photo: JASON CONNOLLY/AFP / Getty Images


By: EFE Updated 13 Aug 2022, 9: 50 am EDT

Idaho Supreme Court Northwestern United States ruled in favor of the Republican government of the state and allowed to apply a law that prohibits abortion in practically all cases.

By three votes in favor and two against, the The state’s highest court denied the request of the abortion entity Planned Parenthood requesting that the entry into force of the rule be blocked next 25 August, alleging that it violates the rights to privacy and equal protection before the law.

In addition to Planned Parenthood, on 2 In August, the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, announced another lawsuit against Idaho, considering that its law against abortion “criminalizes doctors” and prevents them from freely practicing interruptions of pregnancy when the woman’s health is at risk.

The Department of Justice sued Idaho for violate the federal Labor Law and Emergency Medical Treatment to try to protect doctors who have to intervene when abortion is “medically necessary treatment to stabilize the emergency medical condition of a patient”.

It was the first action of the Department of Justice against a state since last June the Supreme Court annulled the judgment Roe v. Wade and thus eliminate the federal protection of the right to abortion, yielding its legislation to the states.

Garland explained during a press conference that the working group on reproductive rights created as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision is dedicating itself to evaluating “the changing landscape of state law” and “additional litigation” is already being studied against other states.

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