Monday, September 23

Businessman causes controversy after recording himself crying after firing his employees

Las reacciones que se esperaran fueran de apoyo al empresario, fueron todo lo contrario.
The reactions that were expected to be supportive of the businessman were quite the opposite.

Photo: David McNew / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 13 Aug 2022, 23: 39 pm EDT

Lose the job it is perhaps one of the most difficult situations for any person; however, a recent case shows that those who make the decision to leave someone without employmentLa Opinión also suffer. .

At least this is how an employer shows it who shared how complicated it was for him to fire a group of workers. Braden Wallake, CEO of a company called HyperScial, posted on his LinkedIn profile a photo showing himself crying giving an explanation of the why that moment had to come.

“This will be the most vulnerable thing I will ever share. We had to lay off some of our employees. I have seen many layoffs in recent weeks at LinkedIn. Most of them are due to the economy, or some other reason. Our case? My fault,” he noted.


“I had to do today, the hardest thing I have ever had to do… On days like today, I wish I owned a business that was only driven by money and didn’t care who I hurt along the way,” he added.

The reactions that were expected to be supportive of the businessman were quite the opposite, since the users criticized the man for leaving several people when the mistake was theirs.

“Instead of crying because you realized that you made a mistake… take your responsibility and fix it. I’m the COO of a company and I hate the idea of ​​firing someone, especially if it’s my mistake,” one user wrote.

Given the response, the man decided to take the publication down, but it was too late after the impact it generated, negative for what he wanted to share, since that everyone was not satisfied with his explanation.

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