Wednesday, September 25

Immigration reform: workers launch campaign to vote for those who support immigrants

The Service Employees International Union, SEIU, launched a civic engagement 2022 campaign to engage and empower voters in key Senate and House races to elect leaders who will champion immigration policy and hold Republicans accountable for the harm done to immigrants, as well as their families.

We Decide, the name of the campaign in which hundreds of workers will invite others to vote for those who support immigrants, is expected to reach thousands of eligible voters in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Georgia, and Florida via text and phone calls between now and the 2022 midterms.

La The idea of ​​the campaign is also to make their voices heard in polls in support of immigrant families.

“For workers like me, elections are personal. And through the We Decide campaign, we will work to expand the electorate and drive turnout among infrequent voters to elect leaders who stand up for working families and take action to lower prices of food and gasoline,” said Patricia Cuevas, Executive Board member, SEIU-USWW member and janitor. “Make health care and housing more affordable, and fight with us for higher wages and the chance to join unions to bargain for better jobs.”

Laura Becerra, director of Nevada state field for Mi Familia Vota, said that his team is committed to building Latino political power in Nevada: “We are proud to join the Nosotros Decidimos campaign in partnership with SEIU Nevada Local 1107 in this fundamental electoral work in the Latino immigrant community.”

Angélica Razo, Texas State Director for Mi Familia Vota, He said: “Latino voters in Texas have always demanded fair and dignified immigration policies from candidates and will continue to do so. By speaking directly to voters on the front lines of these issues, Mi Familia Vota Texas is poised to mobilize thousands in this year’s heated midterm elections.”

“At CASA en Acción we are proud to be part of the 2022 We Decide campaign in Georgia,” said Luis Zaldivar (Lucho), director of the state of Georgia. for CASA in Action.

The campaign is a collaborative effort between Mi Familia Vota, CASA in Action, The Florida Immigrant Coalition (FLIC) , SEIU-United Service Workers West (SEIU-USWW) and SEIU Nevada Local 1107.

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