Saturday, October 5

Biden and first lady Jill pay tribute in Texas to victims of school massacre

El presidente Joe Biden y la primera dama, Jill, viajaron a Uvalde, Texas.
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill traveled to Uvalde, Texas.

Photo: MANDEL NGAN / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: The Opinion Updated 29 May 2022, 12: 43 pm EDT

President Joe Biden and his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, visit Uvalde, Texas, where they will participate in several events to pay tribute to the victims of the Robb Elementary School massacre.

The presidential couple arrived in San Antonio, from where they left for Uvalde, to visit the memorial at 21 victims of the shooting last Tuesday, caused by Salvador Ramos.

The president and his wife are accompanied by a large delegation of officials and upon arrival at the memorial at Robb College they greeted Republican Governor Greg Abbott, who was booed by the attendees.

President Biden has had a tougher stance against guns, something that has intensified after the attack in Texas.

In a speech at the University of Delaware on Saturday, the president assured that the country can do “once and for all” what is what to do to “protect the lives of our people and our children”.

The message was similar to the first one issued after the massacre on Tuesday at Robb School.

“In the face of such a destructive force we must remain strong. I ask all Americans to shake hands and let themselves be heard to make this nation what it can and should be,” said the president.