Thursday, October 10

They catch “Pancho Pasión”, a man who raped his compadre during a party

Detienen a violador de un hombre en México.
They arrest a man’s rapist in Mexico.

Photo: Puebla Prosecutor’s Office / Courtesy

La Opinión

For: The Opinion Updated 25 May 2022, 9: 52 am EDT

The Mexican authorities caught José “N”, alias “Pancho Pasión”, who raped his compadre , from 26 years old, during a party in the state of Puebla, to the center of the country. The victim assured that they were partying, consuming alcoholic beverages

and “Pancho Pasión” took advantage of the fact that he was drunk to sexually attack him, betraying his trust and friendship. The police suspect that this subject could be related to other cases of sexual abuse .

“The accused is being investigated for sexually assaulting the victim on 26 February 2021 in the municipality of Atlequizayan , after both were consuming alcoholic beverages. With judicial authorization and through various procedures, the Puebla Prosecutor’s Office a through the Analysis and Context Unit and the Police Support Unit of the Specialized Human Rights Prosecutor’s Office located and captured José N”, reported the State Prosecutor’s Office in a statement.

A judge reviewed the testimonies and the information collected by the Agent of the Public Ministry (AMP), for which he considered that José “N” should formally initiate a process to determine his responsibility, so he was sent pre-trial detention pending investigation.

Men, victims of sexual abuse

According to data from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, in States States

one in five women, and one in 71 men will be victims of sexual violence at some point in their lives. “The 52.4% of male victims reported being attacked by a male acquaintance , and the 15.1% for a stranger”.

In the office UN Women in Mexico announced that “men are also victims of harassment and violence, but for every man violated, nine women have been, “according to their statistics.