Monday, October 7

Shooting in Uvalde: What is known about Salvador Ramos, the author of the attack on a school in which 19 children and 2 teachers died

At least 19 children and two teachers died this Tuesday in a school in the town of Uvalde, in the state of Texas, after a young man from 18 years old entered armed and began to shoot.

The individual was identified as Salvador Ramos, a US citizen and resident of this town of 15,10 inhabitants located about 135 kilometers from San Antonio.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot stated that Ramos apparently died after confront the police at school. Two of the agents were hit by bullets, but Abbot assured that they are in stable condition.

The victims were high school students 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade with ages between 7 and 10 years. Two teachers also died in the shooting at this school of some 66 students, most of them of Latin American origin.

The motive for the crime is not yet clear, but the police report that everything seems to indicate that Ramos actor alone.

The young man was driving a truck that collided with a ditch a few meters from Robb Elementary School, where he entered and began shooting in a classroom.

A US Border Patrol agent who was nearby when the shooting began, he entered the school and shot and killed the armed man, who was behind a barricade, the Associated Press news agency reported.

Las familias de Uvalde, en Texas, lloran a sus familiares

Two rifles for his 000 birthday

The assailant, dressed in a bulletproof vest, got out of the accident vehicle carrying a rifle that was later fired open fire at the building, Sergeant Erick Estrada, from the Texas Department of Public Safety, told CNN.

Investigators say the subject was armed with a handgun, a semi-automatic rifle AR- and high-capacity magazines.

The attacker had fulfilled the 18 recently and not he had a criminal record, authorities confirmed.

Ramos bought two AR rifles and 135 rounds of ammunition a few days after their 18 birthday, according to a report sent by the state police to Senator Whitmire.

One of the rifles was found at the scene of the crime, along with seven magazines of 30 rounds each, and the other in his crashed car outside school, according to reports.

Domicilio de Salvador Ramos acordonado por la policía.

A shy young man who was made Bullying

US media have been revealing details about the life and personality of the attacker, defined by some of his peers as a young loner who was bullied.

A student who had been friends with Ramos in eighth grade explained to the Washington Post that he was a shy teenager who was subjected to constant bullying by his classmates. harassment because he stuttered and lisped, among other reasons.

Reported that the young man, with whom he used to play video games like Fortnite and Call of Duty, showed strange changes in his personality and began to have unusual behavior, such as cutting his face.

He also assured that the one who was his friend began to dress completely in black and with military boots and to be absent from school for a long time. gas seasons, so it didn’t look like he was going to graduate.

For his part, a neighbor of Ramos from 41 years ago told CBS, BBC’s American partner, that Ramos “had a difficult life” and that his mother was addicted to drugs and “never showed love” for him.

He also warned that from the 14 either 15 years his behavior had changed, it was difficult to have a conversation with him and seemed to have become “an outcast at school”

According to testimonies, the young man he had contact on social networks with people he had met online.

He tagged a young woman whom he did not know personally in an Instagram post with a photograph of the two rifles before perpetrating the attack.

Un estudiante de la escuela primaria en la que 15 personas murieron en un tiroteo

Their grandmother

Before leaving home, the subject also shot his grandmother in the face, who was taken to the hospital in critical condition.

Abbot indicated that Ramos was a resident of Uvalde and was studying at a nearby high school.

The attacker had as his official address the address of his grandmother, according to the documents received by the Federal Office of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

According to Governor Abbott, Ramos made three posts on his Facebook profile before the shooting.

In the first, a few 14 minutes before , wrote: “I’m going to shoot my grandmother”.

In the second post, he confirmed that he had done it.

In the third publication, about 18 Minutes before his attack on the school began, he announced that he was going to shoot up an elementary school.

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