Monday, October 7

Rituals to protect the family from threats and negative energies

Protection rituals are used, as their name indicates, to keep what is important to us, such as home and family, under spiritual protection. Two elements that have the ideal esoteric properties for this purpose are lemons and candles.

The lemon is a citrus fruit that, beyond having health benefits such as being rich in vitamin C, it has the magical power to absorb bad vibes like a sponge. For this reason, it is one of the most widely used home remedies to defend against the threats that lie in wait for us.

For their part, candles are the materials that can never be lacking in rituals for symbolism they bring to these proceedings. They represent the element of fire, light in the dark, hope and, if given an intention, they function as an astral bridge between the universe and our request.

Based on these two elements with powerful spiritual properties, we present some options to protect your family from threats and negative energies.

Ritual with lemon to eliminate negative energy

Bad energies at home come from outside. If we don’t regularly cleanse the house of low frequency vibrations, the family could get stuck in a spiral of negativity. This ritual suggested by the expert Luz Silva Solar on her site is easy and simple.

In each corner of the 4 main corners of the house place a lemon green and surround it in a circle of sea salt. Leave the lemons for 7 days; no one should move them, much less touch them. The job that citrus fruits will do is to absorb everything bad that is in the house.

When the time has elapsed, remove them with a black bag avoiding touching them directly with your hand and bury them as far away as possible of your house.

Lemon ritual for protection away from home

If you want a circle of protection surround each of your loved ones every time they leave home, ask them to do the following; also do it yourself. Sprinkle a lemon with holy water and with your nail form a cross on the top of the citrus fruit. Pass the citrus from head to toe over the person you want to protect and tell them to keep the lemon in their backpack, bag or pants pocket.

After 3 days or if they notice If the lemon wilts or turns very yellow, throw it away. You can repeat this ritual as many times as necessary, however, you should not turn the lemon into a daily charm. Only perform this ritual when you or your relatives are under threat.

White candle for protection

The white color in the candles emanates purity, purification and protection. It is used for any intention so, if you want the divine power to protect your family, do the following:

Grab the white candle with both hands and ask your guides with faith spirits, angels, or superior entity in whom you believe that protects you and your loved ones and keeps them away from any threat.

Light the candle at night for a few minutes and extinguish it with your fingers or a candle snuffer before going to sleep.

You may be interested:
– Learn the secret of an ancient Chinese ritual for money luck
– How to use candles to remove witchcraft and bad luck
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