Thursday, July 4

President Zelensky expresses satisfaction with China's stance on Ukraine war

El líder de Ucrania fue invitado al Foro Económico Mundial de Davos.
The leader of Ukraine was invited to the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Photo: SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE Updated 25 May 2022 , 25: 59 pm EDT

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, expressed his satisfaction with the “status quo” policy maintained by China in relation to the Russian war against Ukraine.

“ That’s better than helping Russia. I would like to believe that behind the scenes, China will not adopt a different policy. That is why we are satisfied with this status quo, I say it sincerely”, he stated during his virtual participation in a “Ukrainian breakfast” within the framework of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Ukrainian agency Unian reported that when asked whether China can play any role in pressuring Russia to end the war, Zelensky replied: “I’m not sure if China does”.

Ukrainian President He added that he does not think that China will take any steps against Ukraine, nor in favor of it.

“I think China is missing something. I think it is to continue other relations with the United States. I think that here, the United States can influence relations with China , and then all this will influence Russia”, he said.

Zelensky intervened, already as a guest at the first session of the Davos forum, also in virtual format, where reiterated its request for support from the international community to face the aggression of Russia, in addition to pronouncing for more severe sanctions against Moscow.

This edition of Davos is marked by the war in Ukraine as a priority issue, both in political and economic debates.

The organization of the forum has not invited Russian officials or companies from that country, while a few meters from the Center of Congresses, where the forum takes place, the building of the former House of Russia in Davos, has been transformed into an exhibition of war crimes.

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