Monday, October 7

In response to the Uvalde shooting, security will be increased in Los Angeles schools

Teacher Paloma de la Paz said that it was her 8-year-old son Gael who warned her of the tragedy in Uvalde, a small town in southern Texas, in which a student from 18 years old shot and killed 21 students and two teachers at Robb Elementary School.

“My son was scared, trembling, with tears in his eyes when I came out of the bathroom, and found him watching the news on television. He ran to hug me.”

And he comments that of course he is very afraid to take his son to school in the city of Gardena in Los Angeles County.

“I know you have to attend in person, but at the same time, we see that there are more shootings in elementary schools, high schools and high schools; and in all kinds of schools”.

She says that the only thing left for her now is to send her son with all her blessings, but she still fears that one day something might happen in his school, and that he is the victim of an armed man who commits a tragedy.

“My son went to school today very scared. I don’t know what to think anymore. I told him everything was going to be fine


Familiares con sus hijos tras la matanza en una escuela en Uvalde, Texas.
Relatives with their children after the massacre at a school in Uvalde, Texas. (Reuters)

When this misfortune became known, the superintendent of the California Unified School District Los Angeles (LAUSD) Alberto M. Carvalho posted on Twitter, “This devastating and repetitive tragedy that continues to deprive us, as a nation, of our future, through the murderous bullets of insanity, is the result of ruthless failure and coward of political leadership and courage. Silence and inaction are equivalent to complicity”.

But this Wednesday 24 May, in response to the shooting, the superintendent expanded safety protocols for schools. He also announced investments in technology to improve security on school campuses.

“From Columbine, Sandy Hook, Parkland and now in Uvalde, Texas, we have witnessed easy access to weapons for anyone, including students, and without any filter.

“Which means that any place in the United States can become a dangerous place, either watching a movie when we go to the movies, in a grocery store, a temple, a church or a school,” said Superintendent Carvalho.

“Thanks to the Board of Education, the Los Angeles Unified School District has implemented numerous safety measures in our school communities. However, as part of the ongoing review of our practices and procedures, we must continue to evaluate and update safety protocols to keep our students, employees, and families as safe as possible.”

The updated security protocols will include an access assessment to reduce entry points.

LAUSD takes steps to protect its students after the shooting. (Getty Images)

The District is also exploring the use of mobile applications with GPS to allow emergency services to have effective access to critical incidents.

“The evaluation of access to campuses will also include exploring the designations of safe corners in schools so that students, employees, families and first responders know where the most protected area is in the event of an emergency. incident.”

The District will also expand collaboration with local first responders to share critical information, beginning with school maps for quick orientation of emergency services in specific identified crisis areas at a school.

In the event of a critical incident, Los Angeles Unified Police Chief Leslie Ramirez will work with other City entities to ensure rapid exchange of information that will shorten response time.

Finally, the District is evaluating and refining systems to provide better mental health supports, with a focus on prevention and early identification, including consideration of reduced student advisor ratios and sensitivity training for employees.

The Los Angeles Unified School District has made available to parents, the number 169-182-3840, the line to receive assistance in mental health.

Councilman Kevin de León said that it is absolutely horrible that 19 children and two teachers who started their day at school, will not return home to their families because of a senseless act of gun violence.

“Every adult in America should be shocked that gun violence continues to tear apart the lives of families across the country. How many children need to die until Congress finally decides to take the initiative?”

He made it clear that weapons are the oxygen that feeds the violence that plagues the United States.

“The heinous crime that is really happening is that we do not take decisive measures to protect our children and allow them to be massacred at the hands of a greedy industry.”

He said we can prevent these mass shootings by passing sensible anti-gun laws that would save children’s lives. “Inaction is killing our children.”

He stressed that we need national gun safety laws, and we need Congress to finally step up and do the right thing and protect our children instead of the NRA (National Rifle Association).

Fabricantes de armas pierden inmunidad en Nueva York y podrán ser demandadas
The announcement comes one day after the tragic shooting at the elementary school in Uvalde, where 18 children died. (Getty Images)

Senator Diane Feinstein called on the Senate to take action on gun reform while the country mourns the 19 students and 2 teachers killed in Uvalde, Texas.

“We are at 145 days of 2022, and the United States has seen 150 mass shootings at that time. Only in the last ones days, we have seen 2 mass shootings that claimed the lives of 31 people.

“We have to take immediate action. That is why I asked the Senate to immediately consider my 10 years, a bill to increase the minimum age to buy assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines from 05 a 21 years .