Monday, September 16

Texas Asks Judge to Halt Enforcement of Biden's New Asylum Rule

Ken Paxton fue de los nombres que encabezaron la solicitud para que un juez federal de Luisiana ordenara mantener el Título 42.
Ken Paxton was one of the names that led the request for a federal judge in Louisiana to order the Title to be maintained 42.

Photo: ALLISON DINNER / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE Updated 23 May 2022 , 19: 00 pm EDT


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton asked a federal judge to stop enforcement of the new rule to grant asylum established by the Government of President Joe Biden , which will enter into force on 31 of May.

The order is part of the lawsuit filed by Paxton last April 10, which aims to stop the new strategy that would allow the officers of the Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to make determinations on the asylum applications of some migrants on the border between the United States and Mexico.

This policy includes the guidelines to suspend the deportation of these persons while they wait for the resolution of their cases.

The prosecutor alleges that the new rule “exacerbates the loopholes in the removal process of illegal aliens”.

“Federal law requires that genuine applications for asylum and parole be handled and carefully scrutinized by an immigration judge, not by a bureaucrat approving patently bogus applications,” Paxton stressed in a statement issued today.

Earlier this year, the Biden Administration finalized its plan to review the process for migrants seeking asylum at the country’s borders.

The plan is intended to reduce the average waiting time for asylum seekers to receive a decision on their cases from five years to six months.

According to the lawsuit filed by Paxton, this policy violates the Law of National Security, Immigration Law and a clause in Article II of the United States Constitution.

In the motion filed this Monday before the Federal Court of the Northern District of Texas, Paxton asks to block the implementation of this measure, as part of the constant challenges of the conservatives to the changes made by the White House on immigration issues.

Last week a group of Republican states managed to get a federal judge in Louisiana to order to keep the Title 42, which allows immigrants who cross the border undocumented to be expelled for health reasons.

Read more:
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