Thursday, July 4

Hispanic in Texas killed by a giant swarm of “vulture” bees while trimming a tree

Durante más de diez minutos sufrió una agonía insoportable mientras las abejas lo atacaban una y otra vez.
For more than ten minutes he suffered in unbearable agony as the bees attacked him again and again.

Photo: JACK GUEZ / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 22 May 2022, 21: 41 pm EDT

Franco Galván Martínez, aged 53 , a Hispanic, garden lighting technician, had a tragic death when he was attacked by hundreds of bees from a hive that felt threatened while he was pruning a tree.

The man, who was an employee of a lighting and landscaping company, was working on a house in Austin, Texas, United States, when he accidentally disturbed a beehive.

At one point, while suspended in a harness in a tree, he accidentally tipped over the swarm and kicked the ladder below it, as if it were part of a horror movie script.

While his agony lasted for more than ten minutes, his co-workers couldn’t help him because the insects also They also attacked them fiercely

“I guess panicking, trying to get the bees away from himself, he kicked the ladder. The hive was so huge that it literally covered Franco instantly,” said a witness.

Emergency services were called immediately and quickly arrived. to the place; using two hoses to scare away the bees and to be able to reach the man.

A little later, the company he worked for confirmed that he had died.

A group of researchers came to the conclusion that a species of bee has evolved so much to survive that it has even come out one more tooth and its intestines are like those of scavengers.

Known as “vulture bees”, they do not have stings and feed on pieces of meat from animal carcasses in tropical forests, hence its name.

Although bees usually They generally feed on nectar, the researchers, including those at the University of California (UC) Riverside, stated that “intense competition for nectar” led a species of stingless bee in the tropics to develop the ability to feed on meat.

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