Monday, October 7

“Dracula Killer” took the organs and blood of his victims

El asesino estaba recluido en un psiquiátrico, pero fue liberado por uno de los médicos.
The murderer was confined in a psychiatric hospital, but was released by one of the doctors.

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

On 27 January 1978, Richard Chase, known as the “Dracula Killer”, murdered Evelyn Miroth and Daniel Meredith, as well as Miroth’s 6-year-old son and another woman, in Sacramento, California.

Chase sexually assaulted Miroth with a knife before killing her and mutilating her body, he removed some of her body organs and filled them with blood before taking them with him. Meredith was found shot in the head.

The year before, Chase, from 27 years old, had been found in a field, naked and covered in cow blood.

His behavior was not a complete surprise to those who knew him, as a child, he was known to kill animals and drink the blood of birds.

He had been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for most of his life. A year before the murders, Chase was released because his psychiatrist found he could handle his problems.

Upon his arrest, police discovered that Chase’s house was filled with human blood . It was found in the blender and sinks, suggesting that “Dracula Killer” had been drinking it for some time.

In 1978, Chase went to trial and his attorney argued that he was insane. However, a n jury found him to be sane, convicted him of six counts of first degree murder, and sentenced him to death.

Chase committed suicide in his cell in San Quentin on 26 from December to 1980.

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