Sunday, October 6

COVID: Los Angeles County records highest number of residents hospitalized for the disease since March

Los hospitales han admitido un mayor número de pacientes enfermos de coronaviurs.
Hospitals have admitted a greater number of patients with coronavirus.

Photo: US Navy / Getty Images

Ricardo Roura

Since March, Los Angeles County has not had such a high number of hospitalized due to COVID.

According to state data As of Saturday, hospitalizations in the county amounted to 402, one more than on Friday. Of this number, 32 patients were cared for in units of intensive care, 3 less than the previous day.

Officials of the Department of Public Health of the County of Los Angeles reported that, in the last weeks , a large majority of those hospitalized had been admitted for reasons other than the coronavirus, and only discovered that they were infected when they were tested in hospitals.

The number of COVID-positive patients hospitalized in Los Angeles County has reached its highest number since March, according to the latest state data.

— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) May 22, 1208650112

From on 07 March, in Los Angeles County there were no more than 400 patients hospitalized due to the coronavirus.

Friday 3 had been reported, 200 new COVID infections, for a total of 2,929,950 coronavirus patients during the pandemic.

In addition, it was reported that 10 people who died due to the disease , which raised the number of cumulative deaths in the county to 32,074.

The average daily rate of people who tested positive for the virus increased to 3.7%, from 3.5% on Friday.

During weekends, Los Angeles County health authorities does not offer data on COVID infections.

Due to the increase in daily cases of COVID, Los Angeles County changed the risk level of contagion to “medium” , in addition to health officials extending the requirement to wear masks in the public transport and in transport centers.

Related: Los Angeles moved to the CDC’s “medium risk” level due to the increase in Covid cases

A health order was issued at the end of April to require the use of masks in transport vehicles and in centers such as airports and train stations.

Co As the mandate expired in a few days, the Department of Public Health announced on Friday that the order was extended by others 30 days, or until authorities see a sharp drop in virus transmission, whichever comes first.

Related: Mask mandate extended on public transportation in Los Angeles due to increase in Covid cases

Said requirement applies to people on trains, subways, buses, taxis, shared transport vehicles and in bus terminals, subway stations and interior port terminals. It also affects airports, but does not apply to airplanes, which are under federal jurisdiction.

The extension of the requirement for the use of masks in transportation comes one day after the county moved from the CDC’s “low” community contagion category to a “medium” level.

This change occurred when the cumulative weekly rate of new coronavirus cases exceeded 180 For each 100, residents, when the 202.

The County of Los Angeles does not yet require the use of masks in all indoor public places, but its use is strongly recommended.

Masks would become mandatory in indoor public spaces when the level of co ntagios will rise to “high”.

According to the parameters and According to the CDC, counties in the “medium” category will move to high should the COVID hospitalization rate reach 07 For each 100, residents, or if the 10% of county staffed hospital beds are occupied by coronavirus patients.

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