Saturday, July 6

Carolina Sandoval cries when talking about her “Anxiety” in her new documentary to be released on May 23 on YouTube

Carolina Sandoval, periodista venezolana.
Carolina Sandoval, Venezuelan journalist.

Photo: Alberto E. Tamargo. / Mezcaliente

Carolina Sandoval has surprised many by posting on her Instagram a video where she appears crying and speaking of a pathology that affects almost 264 million people in the world, according to the World Health Organization: the anxiety. Few people and especially public figures dare to talk about it. “ La Venenosa ” has done so, because she assures that she wants to provide tools to those who, like her, have suffered the same.

“Now don’t let anyone f*ck interrupt me. Nobody interrupts me because I didn’t interrupt anyone. I’m fed up. I’m tired of people telling me what I have to do, when I have to do it… I’m trying to let my anxiety know that I’m going to win… she My vision blurred, I really wanted to cry, I wanted to get out of that car. I wanted to get out of there… She is very similar to me. She combs her hair, puts on her makeup, puts on her best suit and, at the least expected moment, túkiti, anxiety comes out.”, Carolina Sandoval is heard saying in a post on her Instagram where he announces the promotion of his documentary “Ansiedad” .

“ ANXIEDA D. THIS IS ALSO ME…MY DOCUMENTARY. NEXT 23 MAY ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!! For years I have been struggling with this, for a long time I have dedicated thousands of hours to understand myself and with different tools to help myself by helping others who, like me, walk this path. I keep researching, looking for where and how all this anxiety started in my life and every day I do my best to carry it with my head held high. Here I share a beautiful work done as a team so that you know a little more about my anxiety which could be yours …or of any person close to you and who still does not dare to talk about her…”, wrote Carolina Sandoval whom many knew for his participation in the program that the network had Telemundo, “Sreturn lto Soup“.

The Venezuelan journalist Carolina Sandoval is one of the famous ones who highlights where she arrives, comments or appears. Either because of her very funny personality, because of her excess of honesty and also because of the controversies that she has armed. Her departure from her network Telemundo was one of the most notorious in the media and in the Internet. She has also been an example as a professional and Latin woman demonstrating that, without the support of the editorial lines of the means, you can also succeed and even earn more in terms of money.

It is no secret that “La Venenosa” managed to monetize its content very well in the digital platforms and we can follow it on practically all: Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and listen to it in Podcast format through iTunesand Spotify. But this, quite contrary to what many might think, makes the rest little and the pressure a lot. Carolina Sandoval herself has spoken about it in some personality interviews that she has offered throughout the career of her in the United States.

Now she has confessed a little known side of her or maybe, just well known by his closest group of friends, family and colleagues: his fight against anxiety. Same that we will be able to see thanks 264 Media Inc and Trinitus Productions starting tomorrow 23 of May through her YouTube channel. Without a doubt, he promises himself and of course is very much in the style of “La Venenosa“: making as much noise as possible.

Here we leave you the trailer for “Ansiedad”, in which the Venezuelan Nelson Bustamante had a lot to do with and led a work team that already He has won several Emmys for different works in the documentary genre. Of course, the right hand and “guru” also had an influence on much of his digital content from Carolina Sandoval, the Colombian Iván Carrillo .

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