Friday, September 20

Own my voice: how Xiaomi's accessibility system works

El nuevo sistema de inteligencia artificial de Xiaomi pretende facilitar la comunicación de las personas con trastornos del habla
Xiaomi’s new artificial intelligence system aims to facilitate communication for people with speech disorders

Photo: David Ramos / Getty Images

Accessibility settings have been gaining strength in the field of mobile phones in recent years, allowing millions of people around the world with special needs to be able to enjoy their equipment more comfortably.

One of the companies that has been taken into account is Xiaomi with the launch of Own my Voice, a technology that is designed to help people with speech disorders to be able to communicate with other people more easily.

To do this, the system generates a unique voice through artificial intelligence so that each device has a unique voice that adapts to the user.

“This user can now communicate with others using “Own my voice”, instead of a typical electronic voice mo nótona”, they point out from the Chinese company, while pointing out that this is part of their efforts that seek to allow everyone in the world to enjoy a better life through innovative solutions.

According to the information that Xiaomi has published about this project, the tool has 37 different voice modalities which makes it easy to customize it to the tastes of any person .

Years of research

From Xiaomi they revealed that for the creation of Own my voice, more than 200 people were recruited who agreed to donate their voices to give life to the project.

“They used the voiceprint matching algorithm to match the characteristics of the voices donated by the volunteers with those of the recipient’s voice. Through this approach, they found the most suitable voice as the basic voice reference sound for the recipient. Taking personalization and privacy protection into account, the chosen real voice was manipulated with complex acoustic modification to form a new and original voice sound”, they explained.

Subsequently, Text-To-Speech technology was used to train the artificial intelligence so that it would be able to imitate the rhythm with a high degree of accuracy. and the pauses that a person makes while speaking.

All this while A wide variety of algorithms designed by Xiaomi guarantee the specificity, security and high authenticity of the synthesized voice.

The company acknowledged that it has been working on Own my voice since the middle of the year 2017, which shows their interest and the time they have dedicated to improve and optimize the system.

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