Sunday, September 29

The bloodthirsty narco of the Zetas sentenced to almost 2 centuries in prison

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 19 May 2022 , 14: 34 pm EDT

Almost two centuries in prison was convicted a drug trafficker, identified as Juan José Pérez López Chato, aka Coco, who was a member of the now practically extinct cartel of los Zetas. A judge sentenced him to 171 years in prison, after being found guilty of aggravated kidnapping , collection of weapons for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces , drug trafficking and other crimes related to organized crime. This narco operated in the center of Mexico.

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The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic ( FGR ) made the sentence known through a statement: “Juan José “P”, is related to a criminal organization where he had the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. He was arrested in compliance with the arrest warrant against him in November 2007, leaving him at the disposal of the Judge of the case, in the Center Federal Social Readaptation # 1 “Altiplano”, in Almoloya de Juárez, State of Mexico, where he is currently being held.”

The evidence presented against him was key for the Attorney General’s Office to get the judge to issue a conviction and a fine of more than $10, dollars for the aforementioned crimes. By the way, this criminal is considered one of the most bloodthirsty ex-chiefs of the Zetas.

It should be remembered that the Zetas has been weakening in the last 12 years, which led to its division in the north of the country, in the border with the United States, where it became the Gulf Cartel (CDG) and the Cartel del Noreste (CDN), although some cells using the original name are still active.

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