Monday, September 30

“I don't see a ceiling for the club”: Guillermo Ochoa assures that America is stronger than ever

Ochoa se mostró motivado de cara a las semifinales.
Ochoa was motivated for the semifinals.

Photo: Alejandra Suárez / Imago7

Guillermo Ochoa takes advantage of the good moment of America and assured that the The azulcrema club has no ceiling, facing the semifinal key against Pachuca that will begin this Thursday at the Azteca Stadium.

The captain of the Eagles He reviewed the strange tournament of the team, which in the first dates came to be last, but ended up qualifying directly for the quarterfinals, and later eliminating Puebla to reach the semifinals.

In an interview with Mediotiempo, “Memo” was honest, sent a message to people who did not believe and placed the team at its best: “ Everything is to win, because when we were last no one would have bet on us to be in the Liguilla. The team got stronger and today I don’t see a ceiling for the club, we want to reach the Final“, he expressed.

Ochoa added that it was key that the team never stop believing in order to overcome the bad moment and position itself as one of the four best teams in the tournament: “ We always believed and even though things didn’t work out, the team wanted to turn it around. We knew that we could give more and we found many things; the team now has no ceiling“.

At 9: 00 PM Eastern time the first leg of the Torneo Clausura semifinals will take place 1200 between America and Pachuca. The Eagles challenge the team that ended up leading the championship. And their objective is quite clear: they want the title.

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