Sunday, September 29

Event promotes alternatives to environmental justice

La calidad del aire en Los Ángeles no cumple con las pautas de la OMS.
Air quality in Los Angeles does not meet WHO guidelines.

Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images

Thursday morning Marcela Oliva, professor of architecture at LATTC community college, was finalizing details with her students for the presentation they will give this weekend during an on-air sustainability festival free at the same school.

The conference “My Green Building Conference and Expo” on 03 and 21 in May, organized by US Green Building -Los Angeles Chapter (USGBC-LA), is dedicated to emphasizing the role of people in addressing the urgency of the climate crisis.

Oliva , who is a member of USGBC-LA, said that focusing on the ecosystem is not only about water or energy but also about social justice, the air that is breathed in neighborhoods and access to food.

Indicated that the speakers who will come to the conference have like-minded interests that align with the development goals sustainable roll. These leaders—including experts in electric vehicles, water solutions, energy, and more—will also be speaking casually with the community.

“There are very interactive workshops. We are also going to have a very good music band that will be using solar energy”, said Oliva.

The conference hopes to emanate inspiration, art, music , interactive exhibits, demonstrations, career information and education, all focused on practical sustainability skills to easily incorporate into your home and lifestyle.

Students learn and participate

Oliva said that the students in his class are not only learning architecture but also environmental design and a data testing program which gains validity when they connect it with government industry.

Among the participating students is Eduardo Cortes, from 27 years old, who plans to become an architect. He said that his class will present some projects made in a sustainable way and recycled materials such as canopies, shadows, small houses, green spaces and many other interventions proposed to improve the environment.

“We have taken a lot of time and dedication to improve our green spaces and give nature more oxygen in the atmosphere because with all this gas and pollution, this is our way of fighting back”, said Cortes.

The young man indicated that his dream is to become an architect to create parks, buildings and bridges to help local communities to grow.

“I am from the center of the city myself, so I know I understand the struggle and how all this changes the world for our children and grandchildren to come. I would like to see everyone more involved and more aware of what is happening so that they can help us”, indicated the student.

Drew Farnhan, another student, said that the commitment to have a beautiful world allows them to be their own designers committed to designing better buildings , alleys and others with the beauty derived from nature.

The teacher said that the best thing about this year is that the conference will be in person or virtually. Students and faculty from the nine Los Angeles Community Colleges (LACCD) as well as communities from South Central, Watts, Pico-Union and professionals such as architects will attend. At the same time, students from Monterey Tech, UNAM and other entities will also participate virtually. It will be a national and international collaboration.

“Because to get rid of hunger, food deserts, homeless people and all that you need to see to everything as an ecosystem”, said Olivia.

He indicated that in his class they discovered that the solution may be based on the metaverse, a virtual reality gamification, since these new tools allow more people to participate.

“We have to produce many more places on how to educate to heal, green spaces and then have more people participate”, said Oliva. “The metaverse allows for an operation that we didn’t have before. That’s why it’s becoming so important right now in every field that it’s going to change the way we manufacture, the way we interact, the way we educate.”

USGBC-LA Outdoor Sustainability Festival is open and free on Saturday 21 May for the public interested in more sustainable methods and creating healthier spaces.

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