Friday, September 27

Learn the secret of an ancient Chinese ritual for money luck

The concept of wealth is currently associated with material goods and the amount of money in the bank account, however, for the purposes of this ancient Chinese ritual, the meaning of abundance and prosperity is completely different.

This oriental procedure aims to strengthen our spiritual value to understand that human beings are not things, therefore, we are not worth based on of the money we receive, but by the actions we perform.

Money is a form of energy that will flow according to the concept we have of ourselves. If we consider ourselves valuable, firmly believe that we deserve the best and act with values ​​such as kindness, honesty, responsibility and respect, the universe will compensate us. Thus, a person who feels prosperous because of his partner, family or job, regardless of how much he earns, will take care of them.

This was explained by the site La Brujería Blanca, where they detailed how to do an ancient Chinese ritual to have prosperity and luck in money. It should be noted that, before carrying it out, you must be very clear about your concept of prosperity and abundance.

Chinese money ritual: how to do it

You will need 3 large coins, a red ribbon , a metal bell or object that emits a similar sound, a bowl of water, a glass of sand, a sheet of paper and a gold ink pen.

On a table that will serve as an altar , gather all the elements that you will use in the ritual. Place the 3 coins face up in a horizontal line. Extend the red ribbon over and along the three coins.

Sprinkle sand in small amounts towards the coin in the center and as you do so repeat the phrase “light for money, money for money”. the light, go ahead”.

Let the sand and the coins do their energetic effect for 10 minutes. Then take the ribbon and wrap the 3 coins. Put this little amulet in the bowl of water and repeat the word “blessings” 3 times.

Draw 3 circles on the sheet of paper with the gold pen, fold it as small as you can and put it in the mound of sand Repeat the word “earth” 3 times.

Now ring the bell 3 times; the sound should be powerful and reverberate through every corner of your home.

Take the ribbon-wrapped coins out of the water and place them on the sand. Once this is done, repeat the phrase “so be it” 3 times. This is how the ritual ends.

The water and sand should be disposed of through the back door or window of your house and the ribbon with the coins should be buried in a pot that is placed in the front part of your home .

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