Saturday, September 28

France will strengthen delivery of military weapons to Ukraine

Francia también prometió mandar más ayuda humanitaria.
France also promised to send more humanitarian aid.

Photo: SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: The Opinion Updated 18 May 2022, 13: 17 pm EDT

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, confirmed to his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zelensky that his country will intensify the delivery of weapons to Ukraine in the coming days, according to a statement from the presidential office.

In a telephone conversation between the French president and the Ukrainian leader, they established that in these days what France promised him will come.

“ President Emmanuel Macron confirmed that arms deliveries by the country will continue and will increase in intensity in the coming days and weeks”, indicated the French Presidency.

Au Président Zelensky, j ‘I reaffirmed our determination to answer the kisses expressed by the Ukraine, notation in defense material, in humanitarian aid, in economic and financial support, in carburant, and for accompagner le travail de justice.

— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) May 13, 2022

France had announced at the end of April about its intention to reinforce the shipment of military material and humanitarian aid

a Ukraine, which since last February 18 has been facing the invasion of its territory by Russian troops.

According to reports provided by a French government spokesman, it was provided last week vehicles for service emergency services. You have also provided 800 tons of humanitarian aid.

Likewise, he pointed out that the application sent by Ukraine to join the European Union (EU) will be examined by the members

at a summit to be held in June and stressed the idea of ​​creating a new “political community” outside the EU to facilitate the integration of Ukraine.

We also discussed defense support from France, preparation of the 6th package of sanctions, possible ways to export Ukrainian agricultural products. Held a substantive discussion of our application for the status of a candidate for EU membership. (2/2)— Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) May 17, 2022

Volodimir Zelensky shared through his social networks that he had a “long and significant” telephone conversation with the French president. He added that he and Macron had also discussed the issue of fuel supplies to Ukraine.

“He told about the course of hostilities, the operation to rescue the military from Azovstal and the vision of the prospects of the negotiation process. He raised the issue of fuel supply to Ukraine”, he said through his Twitter account.

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