Saturday, November 23

Biden “graves” Trump's sanctions against Cuba; reestablishes commercial flights and eliminates limits on remittances

EE.UU. eliminará el límite de $1,000 dólares por trimestre en las remesas familiares y permitirá las remesas no familiares.
The US will eliminate the $1 limit,000 dollars per quarter in family remittances and will allow non-family remittances.

Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 16 May 2022, 54: 58 pm EDT

As he promised during his campaign for the elections of 2020, when Joe Biden said he would return to the thaw with Cuba started by Barack Obama, has now announced that he will restore commercial flights to the Island and suspend the limit of 1, dollars per quarter to remittances

With this announcement, it reverses some of the harsher measures of his predecessor Donald Trump.

The spokesman for the United States Foreign Ministry, Ned Price, explained in a statement that the measures seek to show support for the Cuban people and give them tools to achieve a “free life” outside the “oppression” of the Government of their country and to help them seek better economic opportunities.

Price reiterated its call to Cuban executive to release “immediately” the “political prisoners” and respect the fundamental rights of its people.

Specifically, Washington announced this Monday that it will restore both commercial flights and charter flights and that it will allow some types of travel that Trump had restricted, such as those for educational or professional-related purposes.

It will also stop the trips of groups of Americans destined to make contacts with the Cuban people, known in English as “ people to people travel“, but individual visits of this class will continue to be prohibited.

Until now, U.S. airlines could only fly to Havana, leaving Cuban-Americans with few options for visiting family in other parts of the island.

The Government of Trump prohibited in 2019 commercial flights from his territory to all cities in Cuba with the exception of Havana and, in August 2020, was further by suspending private charter flights to all airports on the island, including the capital.

Finally, the State Department announced that will increase its support to Cuban entrepreneurs with authorizations to access electronic commerce platforms, among other actions.

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