Tuesday, October 8

They discover on Mars what looks like an “alien door”; NASA clarifies what it is

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 23 May 2022, 23: 38 pm EDT

One of the most recent images sent from Nasa’s Curiosity rover on Mars generated a wave of rumors of what could be seen among the rocks, where supposedly are glimpsed a “door carved” by aliens.

If it were a science fiction movie, the image would be part of a staging of a hiding place for the “Martians”, or perhaps a portal to another universe.

However, everything seems to have a scientific explanation for this “mysterious tunnel” given the different versions that caused this photo taken by Curiosity.

NASA scientists said that the explanation of the “door” of Mars is within the photograph itself if you look at it closely. This record shows evidence that this cave was formed through “normal geological processes”, Professor Sanjeev explained. Gupta, of Imperial College London, to The Daily Telegraph.

“The rift is a fracture and they abound on Mars and Earth. Earth,” said even Gupta, who worked on the Curiosity mission with NASA. The professor specified that inside this cave there is evidence of a “deep crack or fissure” in the rock, which could have occurred at any time in the last hundreds of millions of years .

That is, could be a fracture caused by something called shearing, the result of some type of stress in the rock that it broke part of it, maybe helped by one or two earthquakes.

In fact, the largest recorded tremor on the planet red so far occurred recently, on May 4 this year, and scientists are still working to determine where exactly it occurred and what caused it.

Furthermore, while the rock formation with The door shape may appear similar in size to a passageway entrance, it is possible that the cavity you see is only a few centimeters high in real life.

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